My back is hurting so bad (I’m assuming it’s my RA) that it took melatonin, arthritis gel, Tylenol, and mm, to get comfortable enough to sleep. I can’t sit on my desk chair either. I wish one of my drs would take my pain seriously because I’m reaching a point where some days I’m pretty much bed bound and it’s starting to get a little concerning

Alicia ✿

Alicia ✿
I can hardly take any kind of meds for anything. I acquired my dad's "gift" of getting big side effects with literally everything. lol So they just keep telling me if I lost some weight, that would be less stress on my body. Well no kidding, but isn't there ANYTHING we can do in the meantime? lol Freakin' doctors.


Alicia ✿
: how are you supposed to lose weight when you can’t move? And food is one of your few pleasures in life and you’re supposed to cut calories? Fuck them.

I don’t want any kind of opioids but I am hoping there’s something else to help with pain.

Also, my symptoms came before my weight gain tyvm.

They are apparently terrified to prescribe anything for pain these days. Paul had dental surgery aka gum graft and they only gave him meds for one day of recovery.

: yeah, I get it for the opioid type pain killers but I’m hoping there’s other kinds? Like something to address inflammation etc

My rheumatologist said she “wasn’t impressed” by the RA in my spine so maybe she doesn’t think I’m bad enough to need meds for it

{ Willow }
I have had RA since I was an infant, please let me know I can help in any way. Love you!!

{ Willow }
: thank you
