Cute Quinn
god the whole early-middle stretch of the game from the route split to the floating continent is fire
Cute Quinn
the three route scenarios with totally different vibes
Cute Quinn
the climactic kefka large-scale battle
Cute Quinn
the opera
Cute Quinn
Terra going super saiyan
Cute Quinn
shadow coming back at the last second
Cute Quinn
that's just Final Fantasy firing on all cylinders
Cute Quinn
Gestahl: "Kefka is the annoying bit villain and I'm the real threat"
Kefka: "On god?"
The big climax of the floating continent is just, pitch perfect arc ending into huge cliffhanger, to the point that I think media strives for that energy to this day
Cute Quinn
honestly extend the fire to the Celes Island sequence
Cute Quinn
not hype but what a goddamn scene
Cute Quinn
I do think FF6 falls apart a bit in the second half but
Cute Quinn
the transition and the buildup to it
Cute Quinn
is an iconic all-time adventure
I dunno about "falls apart" so much as "loses steam and meanders"; the individual scenes are still fantastic but there's no longer an overarching narrative driving them
It opens up a lot so you can kind of sidequest it and there's a definite joy in discovery there but the flow is a lot less tight
Cute Quinn
Cute Quinn
most of my playthroughs drift off somewhere in the world of ruin
I feel like the SNES didn't QUITE have the hardware to fit in everything they wanted to do
It goes from an epic adventure to a bunch of unconnected vignettes before joining together again in the finale, assuming you remember there's a finale
The game's scope was grander than they had room for
Cute Quinn
I recall possibly hearing rumors that FF7 and FF6 were at some point supposed to happen in the opposite order
Cute Quinn
FF7 as the last snes FF and FF6 as the first psx FF
I know they absolutely used FF6 to test out their 3D rendering before they even finished the SNES game, but that was back when they expected the PSX to be the SNES CD or whatever it would've been
Cute Quinn
there's a little tech demo on the n64 showing off some ff6 models i remember
yeah, a lot of that tech demo went on to be the engine for the gameplay graphics in 7
FF6 is honestly the one I'd most love a FF7R-style remake of
But it'd honestly potentially be... even more expensive?
Since every single playable character has a really unique identity
And there are 14 of them
Cute Quinn
and the scope of the game is so huge
Cute Quinn
you can't just do a Midgar Chapter the game is everywhere from act one
Like, envisioning an FFVI remake
Game 1 could easily be the start up through the raft escape and the parrty split
And then like? A game for the scenarios? Multiple smaller games?
Locke's Scenario is a Metal Gear game?
I could see doing each scenario like they did the Yuffie chapter in FFVIIR
Cute Quinn
I'd say game 1 would be start through the kefka battle
Cute Quinn
game 2 through the world of ruin, then game 3 through to the end?
Cute Quinn
game 3 is your big open world one
FF7's cast is pretty tight
Cute Quinn
it's what, 9 characters? vs 6's 14
And two of FF7’s characters were entirely optional, though they’ve tried to walk that back bit by bit since the original game where Yuffie or Vincent end up having more and more prominence as time goes on.
Cute Quinn
to be fair so are two of 6's characters
True, but that has a little less impact when there’s a dozen others.
Cute Quinn
smaller percentage, granted
Cute Quinn
anyway the point of this plurk is my controversial hot take
Yeah Gogo and Umaro aren't nearly as important story-wise
Cute Quinn
that ff6 is good