Central Asia and South Korea: Seeking Opportunities ...
President Park Geun-hye proposed a “New Northern Policy” or the so-called Eurasian initiative in October 2013, which has been more fully developed under the incumbent President Moon Jae-in since 2017. The initiative itself is an attempt to intensify the policy towards the continental states of Eurasia in the foreign policy of the Republic of Korea.
The New North Policy, like the New South Policy, is part of the Republic of Korea’s foreign policy platform to create a “New Economic Map of the Korean Peninsula” through the responsible Northeast Asia Plus community.
Therefore, the key goal of the New Economic Map of the Korean Peninsula is “the idea of connecting the Republic of Korea with the continent through the DPRK.”
The country of morning dew is the second most important investor for the economy of Uzbekistan and the third for Kazakhstan. The Republic of Korea is one of the top 5 major investors in the economy of Uzbekistan.
As of 2019, Uzbekistan is South Korea’s third-largest partner in the countries of Europe and Central Asia with emerging market: with trade turnover in 2019 of 2.7 billion USD, and South Korean investment exceeding 7 billion USD.