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來自無影無蹤……回顧當年風風雨雨,主要人物譚米.菲等人都已經過世,反而是在當年登上節目前被宣告只有八個月壽命的皮耶特斯依然在世,現年69歲。他從未見過譚米本人,但現在的他,卻與譚米的兒子結為好友。他也對於自己的形象被電影重現、甚至成為劇情關鍵轉折感到驕傲,在劇中飾演他的是藍迪.海文斯(Randy Havens)

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This movie recreates, word-for-word, Tammy Faye's 1985 interview with Rev. Steve Pieters, which was highly controversial in Evangelical circles because it showed her giving grace, kindness, and the promise of heaven to a gay man with AIDS. Unspoken in both the real-life interview and the movie's recreation of it
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(in which Pieters is played by Randy Havens) is the assumption that Pieters would not be alive much longer, since at the time AIDS was essentially untreatable and considered a "death sentence." However, against the odds, Pieters is still alive as of mid-2021 (having long outlived Tammy Faye).
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In a September 2021 interview with Steve Duffy for EDGE Media Network, Pieters said that he thinks that Searchlight Pictures did not ask him for permission to portray him in this movie because they assumed he was dead: "I don't think they knew that I was around when they made the film. It was only through Jim and Tammy's son, Jay, that I found out that there
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was to be a film and that had already finished filming. So I wrote a letter I found contact info for the studio and I wrote to Searchlight Pictures and said, 'Hey, I'm still alive! I'm still here!.' And they've been wonderful, we've had a really good relationship." The real Steve Pieters appears in the movie's "where are they now" credits coda.
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