The Raƶe
Ya know, I haven't gushed about anything in a while… How about one of the most famous aspects from one of the most unique Sonic adaptations.
The Raƶe
What I'm referring to is…

Super Sonic from Egmont-Fleetway's Sonic the Comic.
The Raƶe
For those unfamiliar with the series, this is probably the most-well known part about it—I mean, it's kinda hard not to raise an eyebrow when you say, "Oh yeah, and Super Sonic is fucking evil in this universe."
The Raƶe
(Btw: I've only read through the original series once—and that was over a decade ago—so forgive me if the details are a bit hazy.)
The Raƶe
One of the many unique aspects of this version is that Sonic doesn't need all of the Emeralds to transform. It's actually explained in the series, though I don't recall just how well it was done.
The Raƶe
Y'all remember the good ending from Sonic 1? The one where all of the Chaos Emeralds spin around in the air, before disappearing and leaving some flowers behind?
The Raƶe
Yeah, that happened in StC… and that's because there were only six Emeralds. Without the seventh, the Emeralds weren't able to be properly controlled, and they eventually vanished in a burst of Chaos energy.

Chaos energy that Sonic fully absorbed.
The Raƶe
From then on, Sonic continued living life as normal, until he collected too many Rings while around Tails one day, and then…
The Raƶe
The Raƶe
Really, this is all you need to know about StC Super Sonic.

He's basically their version of the Hulk. If he's in a life-threatening situation, he will transform, go after the person that pissed him off in the first place… and then go after any and everyone else in the area.
The Raƶe
And why yes, this does include Sonic's friends.
And no, he can not control it.
The Raƶe
You know that old bit of advice that kids used to get for if an atomic bomb dropped? That's basically what you need to do is Sonic transforms into Super: crawl into a ball, and kiss your arse goodbye.
The Raƶe
Good news, though! Someone found a way to remove all of the Chaos energy from Sonic by using a Star Post!
The Raƶe
Bad news: Super Sonic became his own entity outside of Sonic.
The Raƶe
This actually didn't stick, but it was for pretty interesting reasons.
The Raƶe
Super Sonic disappeared for a long time, and was eventually found by a character called Ebony the Cat, who was completely unaware of the true nature of Super. This was because he had actually suffered amnesia, and because his powers were slowly fading, he was dying.
The Raƶe
In the final original arc of the series (pre-Sonic the Comic-Online, the fanmade continuation), Sonic and the Freedom Fighters were dealing with Chaos, who they had no idea of how they were going to stop.
The Raƶe
In walks in Ebony and Super, who is basically on death's door from his lack of power.
The Raƶe
Ebony has the idea that since Chaos is made of Chaos energy, that maybe Super can absorb that to get a second lease on life. Naturally, all of the Freedom Fighters—who are fully aware of what Super is like when he's at 100%—is like, "wtf bitch are you crazy you can't do that. o_o;"
The Raƶe
However, Chaos was already Perfect at that point, so they really didn't have any choice. Super fought Perfect Chaos, sucked all of his energy and left him in his original form… and then reverted to being completely batshit evil, because of course refilling all of his energy would cause his memories to return.
The Raƶe
He immediately started going after Sonic and co, and so while the two were tussling, Ebony used her wizard powers to go, "Yeah, fuck that shit; I'm fusing the two of you back together."

Thus, Perfect Chaos was defeated, the (external) threat of Super Sonic was eliminated and kept in check once again, and the series ended on a high note.
The Raƶe
—well, the original series, anyway; Super appears several more times in StC-O. That first image that I posted? It's when he's fighting Shadow in the Sonic Adventure 2 adaptation. (It's also one of my favorite images of him, full stop.)
The Raƶe

Here's several more images of Super Sonic that I adore.
Mad Rue
Oh yeah huh! I vaguely recall some fanfiction back in the day that wrote about Super Sonic having this kind of tilt to him and being very confused.
Mad Rue
I should give the UK comics a read sometime hmmmmm
The Raƶe
Oh yeah, StC is some pretty wild shit. Super Sonic is one of my favorite aspects, but it certainly isn't the only oddball thing about the series.

Such as:
The Raƶe
Fleetway Sonic is a straight savage

• Sonic is a colossal dick to Tails. This was the writer's attempt to inject their version of "'tude" into Sonic, modeled after characters such as the UK version of Dennis the Menace (no relation to the U.S. strip).
The Raƶe
• Tails sometimes had his own adventures in another Zone entirely. In these, he actually lied about his hero status, saying that he was the main hero of Mobius, and Sonic was his sidekick.
The Raƶe
It seems that towards the end of the series' run, the lead writer wanted to do more with this, as Tails ponders if he should tell everyone the truth. However, that was the last solo Tails adventure in the original run, so this was never resolved. (I've no idea if StC-O revisited this plot.)
The Raƶe
• Amy is a tomgirl with a crossbow. While initially an interesting concept, lead writer Nigel Kitching said that he felt that he made Amy too perfect in retrospect—she doesn't even fangirl over Sonic. I think that I recall him also stating that he wanted to tone her down with some flaws, but the higher-ups said, "Naw, she's good as is."
The Raƶe
• If you've ever seen images/heard stories of Sonic starting as a brown hedgehog, and Robotnik once being a kindly old scientist by the name of "Ovi Kintobor"—that's from Sonic the Comic.
The Raƶe
Speaking of ol' Egghead:

• Dude is a fucking menace is this continuity. Ignore the fact that his design is based on his incarnation from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog; his ruthless is more along the lines of SatAM mixed with Sonic Adventure 2.
The Raƶe
Things start silly enough, but then there's a plotline early on where Robotnik somehow manages to throw Sonic and Tails into the future. The pair arrive back on Mobius, and Robotnik's just like, "Whoops sure did conquer the world while you were gone! "
The Raƶe
Oh, and funny thing: You know how SatAM gave Robotnik a lackey named Snivley? Well, StC has one as well… named Grimer Wormtongue.

I am not even joking.
The Raƶe
• Lastly? StC had a lot of mini-series about various other SEGA properties that were big at the time, at least starting out. I don't recall all of them, but I know that some were Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Eternal Champions, Ecco the Dolphin… and a lot from a less popular game (over here) called Decap Attack.
The Raƶe
In fact, when the non-Sonic stories started be phased out, Decap Attack was the only one that kept running.