其次,在 DDALFRFAQ 裡面出現了以下段落 In general, whenever a character completes an official D&D Adventurers League adventure or a community adventure, they have the opportunity to gain a level. They may decline advancement if they wish, but still gain the other benefits of adventure completion (such as downtime days).
Official D&D Adventures. The D&D Adventurers League Adaptation Guide has guidance on when to award a level for official D&D adventures. In the absence of guidance, the DM may award a level whenever they deem it appropriate to a maximum of one level per session of play (minimum 2 hours) and a minimum of one level per 8 hours of play.
光是那些該死的只有 WotC 自己會用的名詞就足夠讓使用英文為母語的 DM 爆炸了,更別說非母語的 DM 了。
In general, whenever a character completes an official D&D Adventurers League adventure or a community adventure, they have the opportunity to gain a level. They may decline advancement if they wish, but still gain the other benefits of adventure completion (such as downtime days).
google 能力嘛...我還記得我至少有三次跟不同的人說過 site: 標籤,三次對方都表示不知道這東西,但我認為我的搜尋能力應該還是算差的。