JayRey Ü
BDO Chronicles:
JayRey Ü
So, the issue with the payment has been sorted out.
JayRey Ü
The teller who was responsible called a few minutes ago. She apologized profusely for what happened. I told her that everything is okay and the payment is already posted. Also, I appreciated the fact that they kept up to date to make sure that I wasn't left in the dark while they were working on it.
JayRey Ü
"No worries, at least I have this peace of mind knowing that you didn't lose your job because of an honest mistake."

This is what I said to her.
JayRey Ü
Wait, did I just hit on her over the phone? My sudden realization after that phone call. (rofl)(lmao)(doh)
JayRey Ü
Oh, well. I'll go get my coffee.