a girl in love
a girl in love
I started writing up a post to harass Tsuchigumo and then turned off my computer without finishing or posting it. stay tuned for me to actually post it sometime later.
a girl in love
a girl in love
my brain just turned off and then so did my laptop
DEF 80 ④
sometimes brains
DEF 80 ④
tell me if there are any cr updates, also how kinky would reim label himself on a 1-10 scale and would your ooc estimate of his kinkiness be different
Cr meeee
cr time
a girl in love
DEF 80 ④ : I have forgotten when the last time I did cr updates for Cleo was. did I ever do impressions for Kannavi. I THINK HE'S PRETTY LEVEL ON WHERE HE IS WITH ELLIOT... they are friends, he wants to support him
a girl in love
he feels really bad for Elliot losing Leo to solitary but thinks he seems to be taking it pretty well
DEF 80 ④
I don't remember when either...
a girl in love
he would probably feel kind of extra hesitant/guilty to talk about his relationship around Elliot but talking about his relationship stuff to Elliot was already not really on his to-do list. Elliot's not interested, it's just very awkward, they could be talking about cleaning the library instead. so that doesn't actually change anything functionally wwww
a girl in love
honestly his main impression of Kannavi is 'comrade.' HE FINDS HIM PRETTY EASY TO TALK TO AND WORK WITH...
a girl in love
it's like how he thinks lwj is a very nice man and would be surprised to hear anyone say he has communication issues.
a girl in love
he appreciates that Kannavi is just straightforward about everything. HE'S A LITTLE WORRIED ABOUT HIM JUST RECENTLY DEVELOPING FEELINGS... but he's not sure how worried he SHOULD be, at the same time
a girl in love
Reim is someone who generally feels things very very much and he kind of assumes everyone else feels everything at the same intensity. so in his head the idea of going from 0->100 is kind of staggering
a girl in love
but for the same reason it's hard for him to picture not having feelings in the first place... so maybe it's fine... he seems ok??
a girl in love
numerical scales are hard. Reim would call himself a 5. I would definitely call him higher than a 5 but Idk by how much. the fact that Reim underscores himself in that area is also frankly just further demonstrating that he's actually pretty extreme, because it's like.
a girl in love
his perspective inherently is skewed in such a way that he perceives how much kinkier he COULD be
a girl in love
I would not put him at a 10 though because in a way he's not entirely wrong. like he will tell Break to choke on his cock or whatever in bed and get off on it but his enjoyment of that is couched more in Break than it is in telling someone to choke on his cock. if Sharon and Break were very very vanilla then Reim would get off solely on very vanilla things
a girl in love
in MY OPINION the facts that 1. he does not have barriers against things like power differentials or pain or degradation in bed 2. the way he expresses affection is slightly off kilter and overly intense are both things that tilt him a little more towards innately kinky than innately vanilla, but both of those things are like. subjective gray area
a girl in love
he is also not a 10 because he can't get off on literally eviscerating someone and honestly what good is he even then
a girl in love
in any case it sort of depends on how you define kink and measure how kinky someone is. in one sense you could say that he is actually not that kinky at all because he doesn't really have specifics that he's personally fixated on and has to be prompted/encouraged to some extent to start engaging with kink at all
a girl in love
but in another sense you could say he's extremely kinky because he has a disposition that gets on with the element of trust in kink like a house on fire and snowballs ridiculously once you get him rolling
a girl in love
a girl in love
popcorns vigorously
a girl in love
actually on the note of Reim having a disposition suited to kink snowballing he is still not physically attracted to Roy but is really like 2 steps away at this point from being able to completely get past that on the grounds of emotional attraction/intimacy
a girl in love
which to me is uh in the same brain space as the kink stuff but I realized halfway through typing that that calling it kink attraction would maybe be weird and misleading cuz again it's not really a matter of needing specific kinks/scenarios in the picture. I have lost the vocabulary to explain what I mean in that regard
a girl in love
a girl in love
that said he is absolutely not going to entertain that as things currently stand and in fact is going to put off the proposition of a threesome for like as long as he can get away with depending on how this talk with Sharon goes
a girl in love
BC LIKE. AS I MENTIONED EARLIER. ROY WANTS HIS APPROVAL TOO MUCH, so Reim doesn't feel like it would be safe to entertain something he can't give Roy with complete certainty
a girl in love
bbbecause if it turns out he can't, and rn he assumes he can't, then it will feed into the pattern in Roy's life of being undeserving. obviously Reim does not want to do that
a girl in love
even when Reim and Break became a thing in reverie, Reim still established from the outset that the important thing to him was that they would still be best friends regardless of how it went. obviously it went well! but EVEN NOW, Break to Reim is still his best friend first and foremost
a girl in love
Reim is someone who is not used to experimenting and seeing how things go in interpersonal relationships because he hasn't fucking had to. he's very very solid on how he relates to important people in his life normally. he doesn't even feel shaky on how he feels about Roy and to him the solid and immovable part there is that he wants to be Roy's friend.
a girl in love
but he does otoh feel shaky on whether he aaactually is Roy's friend currently, or like... is really accepted and seen that way. he doesn't think they're NOT friends but he doesn't think Roy takes it as a given that Reim is his friend which throws him off, also Roy propositioning him throws him off, Break's place in between them kind of throws him off,
a girl in love
cuz he doesn't really have experience with or know how to navigate the space they're in, nor can he compensate by just. knowing how to deal with Roy. using Break as a reference point there's a part of him that wants to try to pin Roy down and just make him accept love and friendship whether he likes it or not but he's nervous that might be like
a girl in love
overstepping or backfire somehow
a girl in love
he had a conversation with Harlock recently where Harlock was like 'all of this is temporary so I can't get close to anyone' and with Harlock Reim could sort of encourage him that it was worth it even if it was temporary, but with Roy 'temporary' feels uhhh worse
a girl in love
he regrets offering to kiss Roy because he definitely did not mean for it to end up 1. about each other honestly 2. complicated, now he's dying
a girl in love
hilariously this is also a thing that happens with Break sometimes but Reim. AS HE EVEN PRETTY MUCH EXPLAINED TO ROY. IS KIND OF INCLINED TO BE HESITANT/NEGATIVE/REJECT THINGS AT THE OUTSET he's a fucking tsundere. he gets awkward about things. but he feels like he absolutely cannot risk like
a girl in love
a kneejerk 'no' or that kind of thing and so he has to consciously fight that impulse down and try to just express encouragement
a girl in love
he actually mostly asked for the video so he can review his own reactions in it. he doesn't think Roy took anything negatively by the end but he has to obsessively pour over everything now.
a girl in love
and also Roy's reactions obviously.
a girl in love
Reim does not have a strong impression of Kaine yet he's just [ sweats ]
a girl in love
CrowsbeforeBros : FRIEND ,,,
a girl in love
actually Reim considered Harlock a friend already even before this so he was briefly almost hurt when Harlock was like 'I can't have friends' but then that was very quickly assuaged by Harlock's small panic
cr meeee
a girl in love
he definitely feels a lot closer to him now. Harlock is a really steady presence for Reim and he appreciates him... work husband (complimentary). Reim @ Harlock is a little bit 'if I run and jump at Harlock he will most certainly catch me in his arms' tbh
He absolutely would, and Harlock kiiinda panicked when he realized he hurt Reim thus the attempt at distancing that did not work.
a girl in love
fool. you can't escape feelings now it's too late
a girl in love
I fell asleep in the middle of what I was saying and now have forgotten what else I was thinking about
haha oh dear
a girl in love
a girl in love
a girl in love
so Harlock is now definitely in the realm where Reim would be comfortable uhh coordinating with what he assumes Harlock can or will do without actually communicating to him about it. bc he has a lot of faith in him,
a girl in love
which is pretty much what the meme reference was getting at already but just, elaborating that Reim is sometimes like this.
a girl in love
he has that kind of faith/assumption-based way of thinking in how he engages with all his interactions to some extent but there's 'I have observed that this person had this reaction to x and think I can exploit that' and then there's 'I have zero doubts about Rufus's motivations regardless of his actions'/'I am 100% certain Break is fine in any situation'
a girl in love
he trusts Harlock's intentions and judgment and capabilities as well as trusting him on a personal level so he will just take it as a given that Harlock will keep a good head on his shoulders and do what he can to help others whatever scenario he gets thrown into
a girl in love
👻ghoulfriend⚰️ : I know he just updated from Miss Vaux to Miss Sprezzatura but he could update again to just Sprezzatura like any time now.
a girl in love
REIM IS... NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS COMMISERATED WITH OTHERS OFTEN IN HIS LIFE. not about really significant things that is. he has commiserated with Gil over getting harassed by Break often. but his actual problems and the way he feels about them have usually been kind of misaligned from what the people around him go through or how they feel about it
a girl in love
and some of this is really self-inflicted, like he COULD have bonded with Sharon a lot more over having similar worries and for most of his life simply did not bc he put down an added layer of difference between them on his own
a girl in love
when Break died in both their arms he immediately starts comforting her ,
a girl in love
this isn't to say he's necessarily closed off about his problems either but it's not often he gets to talk about a serious anxiety he had or hear someone else's and go OH SHIT ME TOO!!
a girl in love
so that was just sort of nice. she sort of increasingly reminds him of home in a way too. the Barma household doesn't have accents but they are still 'foreigners' and also are the shady fuck infomongers house
a girl in love
and Reim is someone who for most of his life was afforded a lot of trust and influence in his professional surroundings primarily on the basis that people disregarded him so much that they basically forgot he was a Barma,
a girl in love
which is a pretty passive thin disconnect but one he has definitely been aware of in that he has to like. switch customs depending on which house he's in. obviously Sprezzatura is not herself a Barma or from [their old country] but the way she is kinda removes a lot of the like, instinct to stay in [current country] mode
a girl in love
I'm gonna start calling them fake Asia and fake Europe one day
a girl in love
https://images.plurk.com/3ROQX0jU8nRxAzvNkaGOpG.png this Rainsworth trio vs consent meta feels salient to several earlier answers.
a girl in love
[picture of Reim telling Roy outright to please just ignore when Reim's uncomfortable]