I would love to introduce it to someone new, so I would be running the subtitled version - but I DO have the unsubbed with my PB if someone who has seen it before (or speaks German) wants to see My Alfred!
The show is about two hours long and is an over the top romp with KILLER set design and costumes, an awesome soundtrack, and like one braincell amongst every character in it
Trigger warnings are mild for this one: Bodysuit nudity from the back (the character is getting into and out of a bathtub), fake blood (vampires), some horny jokes
also, if all that isn't enticing enough, Total Eclipse of the Heart is performed in the middle of the show as a duet including a man who looks like this:
It's been a few days and I have new people here on Plurk, so! Anyone interested in checking out Tanz Der Vampire, aka Alfred's canon, today?
What time would be good for you? I am Very Open today, gonna be art-ing at my desk!
Hell yesssssssssssss the more the merrier!!
killer patter songs
two dream ballets
canon gay and bisexual characters
slapstick comedy