01000110 03/05/2022 rar c1.the corpsoe of steel 03/05/2022 08:45AM c2.min headroom 03/03/2022 01:53AM c3.parasocial in stockholm 03/03/2022 1:44PM c4.the neon god we made 01/17/2022 2:14PM 紀錄章節檔案名稱,第一個壓縮檔使用2進位會得到數字70 使用角色外觀字串轉換概念會得到TO
-From wiki- archivist : The occupation of archivist is distinct from that of librarian. 檔案管理員的職業不同於圖書館員的職業。 Archivists keep records that have enduring value as reliable memories of the past, and they help people find and understand the information they need in those records. 檔案管理員保存具有持久價值的記錄作為對過去的可靠記憶,他們幫助人們在這些記錄中找到並理解他們需要的資訊。
Division 505: 是否能直接看作Division DV,在世界觀中DV是雙重視界的意思,所以是專門處理會牽扯到虛擬世界數據案件的軍團(?) Theories included student violence, abuse by staff, a new untracable drug or some form of duoverse hack or virus that is being tested locally. It was due to the latter that division 505 was flagged as possible responders. 如果這樣看,這句軍團成為潛在負責人的因果就比較能理解
I’mprint: I see them more as echoes. A reflection of the original that is almost the same, but not quite. They deteriorate with time and eventually need to be shut down for their own good. 雖然能完全複製原型,但會隨著時間流動劣化,用回聲來形容最後是否就是消失(?)
不敢加DC討論所以和朋友一起開腦洞XDFulgurOvid Legatus505
已經覺得什麼都很可疑了XDc1.the corpsoe of steel 03/05/2022 08:45AM
c2.min headroom 03/03/2022 01:53AM
c3.parasocial in stockholm 03/03/2022 1:44PM
c4.the neon god we made 01/17/2022 2:14PM
archivist : The occupation of archivist is distinct from that of librarian.
Archivists keep records that have enduring value as reliable memories of the past, and they help people find and understand the information they need in those records.
看了一下面留言提到跟這篇相關的推文內容是 A picture is worth a thousand words.
Verb: To steal copyrighted material from the internet.
"nvm i netjacked it"
by Exode September 9, 2008
Canis lupus,狼的學名;似乎也是源於拉丁文,第二章有提到共和國市民大多是用拉丁文取名,看到這段落前有在懷疑是狼的意思,這樣看來是狼的機率上升。然後在第二章和回音那篇覺得教授應該是有機會和執政官交流的人(?)
是否能直接看作Division DV,在世界觀中DV是雙重視界的意思,所以是專門處理會牽扯到虛擬世界數據案件的軍團(?)
Theories included student violence, abuse by staff, a new untracable drug or some form of duoverse hack or virus that is being tested locally. It was due to the latter that division 505 was flagged as possible responders.
I see them more as echoes. A reflection of the original that is almost the same, but not quite. They deteriorate with time and eventually need to be shut down for their own good.
Neon Gods: