Lesbian Manowar
the 7-11 behind us is now giving me leftover pastries anytime of the day because i am there like 2-3 times a day already and damn their in house baked goods really hit when you're, uh, baked
Lesbian Manowar
now that i wrote the letter explaining what happened, and it's helped us pull in some decent donations, and we had someone get us a list of like local social helpers to call, my job is to let my body/brain relax so i use 7-11 trips to get high, since i wont vape inside the hotel, and it hits just as i get back on the hotel bed
Lesbian Manowar
so im just doing that and playing phone games
Lotions Keith
they know
Lesbian Manowar
their electrolyte drinks that totally aren't pedialyte/body armor are also helping us both greatly
Lesbian Manowar
we've mostly been in a cycle of crashing for ages long naps, eating take out, and drinking electrolytes and then more naps