i dont think shes mad at the idea of working with midori (well she is but she accepts it and doesnt wanna take her feelings out on others) but rather just the reminder of the gulf between them...that ranger really is part of ASUNARO and might hold more loyalty to another employee then any of them is...hard
YEAH sara and shin are both valid because ranger honestly he is always going to be a part of asunaro and have that inherent loyalty, and his way of thinking is always going to be dramatically different... but his relationships are just messy and complicated and it's unfortunate but thank god neither of them understand it because no one should
shin ai? --> maple it's debateable how much shin ai actually knows or remembers about death game plans, but they're both smart cookies and it's this shin under the surface
she can still get out of this! not that there's specific avenues for it, but she's inherently able to fight against this world's rules by virtue of being from outside of it it's just gonna try press the issue
i'm having a lot of fun with it, i kind of died these past few days in ytts hell so time to get back into it this man has subscriptions of issues it's helping me think about how he's been processing recent events too, which is something i've been stuck on recently bc there's been a Lot
shin, seeing midori be gross at sara: actually you know what,,,
shame it wouldn't do anything bc his head doesn't need oxygen but it's possible
ranger the tutorial
what shin also is saying: fuck you??
midori being like hey you can't bring up MY trauma
all according to keikaku
turns out getting shot in the soul doesn't help with that at all
shin literally was the last person to see hiro alive
the yttd soaps
ranger: you should do something about it yourself
ranger, about rantaro: maybe you all could have stopped it
shin: you should have done something about it yourself
he's just sitting there and yyou're behind him with lens flare eyes and a bat
my head in my hands
i see it
it's just gonna try press the issue
this man has subscriptions of issues
it's helping me think about how he's been processing recent events too, which is something i've been stuck on recently bc there's been a Lot
kai is so cute