[family shit] My little brother resurfaces!
Though not to me.
I've been trying to text him and get him to tell me if he and Alyssa are coming to Passover and no luck but it is a bit of a thing right now because she's vegan and lactose intolerant and Passover is wheat-free so that kind of limits the options of what I can feed my sister in law
Finally he calls Mom on Saturday. He only calls her on Saturday because that's when he goes to the grocery store
So it's a little weird / abnormal that he feels he can only talk to his side of the family in a place where Alyssa can't overhear but whatever
Anyway shout out to them because Alyssa is finally leaving her own shitty, shitty job
Because they've been abusing the shit out of her. She's been there ten years now. And they kept wanting to give her this one job responsibility and she kept saying "I really do not want this job responsibility"
She rejected it twice. And then the company just announced she would do it to 300 people anyway
And she went "what the fuck" after the meeting and they went "sorry, we already announced it, can't take it back. and she went "well then I need a salary increase to handle this workload" and they went "we'll talk about this next year"
And my mom is telling me all this and going like "but no grandbabies yet. hint hint" and I just had come from my whole asexuality crying-on-the-couch episode and was feeling a BIT sensitive so I just. Came out to my mom in that moment
and we talked for two hours about it and she didn't try to blow me off like she would have done in the past and I think she got it finally. It's going to be a Time but she hopefully gets it
anyway also my brother and sister-in-law are selling their house because Pittsfield sucks and they have no friends and everyone is miserable so they're moving an hour east
We currently live an hour and a half apart. They're moving closer to me. I get to maybe! see! my brother! again!
spooky queer
wow this is a lot
holy shit
are you okay?
yeah it was tough. My mom's friend who was nearby was like "well I think you should look into surrogacy" and I was like "okay!" thinking it would be 30-40k and we could save up or take a second job. Nope it's like 120,000.
so back to square one
no mortal blade
You might want to check what assistance yours and Sergio's job will provide
no mortal blade
I know my last place specifically had an adoption assitance program that reimbursed tens of htousands of dollars
i think you should just steal a baby and replace it with a fae changeling (a shoebox with a face drawn on)