[MH/Job/Capitalism] Auuuuuuugh ADHD brain, please. PLEASE. I am fucking begging you to let the executive FUNCTION. Please let me do my fucking reading, I NEED TO DO SO MUCH FUCKING READING. This is an ENTIRELY NEW FUCKING FIELD.
I know it's boring, I know you hate Wall Street on sheer PRINCIPLE. But on a purely conceptual level, not ALL finance and investment is what shitstains have turned it into. Just let me fucking buckle down and process this information.
shakes ur brain!! avoidance causes MORE STRESS IN THE LONG TERM even if the thing is hard now AAAHH I know easier said than convincing our brains of it but oof
Not on meds these days, but caffeine never seems to do anything for me, I WISH it did. I'm drinking a cup of GFuel right now because I figured it was about time to give self-medicating a shot again.
I might take you up on that, so far I'm mooooostly understanding shit except when the equations get brought out, but I don't seem to be expected to understand the more econ/mathematics heavy side of things.
Only far enough to Psyduck over trying to reconfigure my brain to be like "Okay, so being financially responsible is a BAD thing in this context, since if you're not putting yourself in strategic debt, your money isn't DOING anything for you? And the wholeass economy is fucked if TOO many people are financially responsible and don't shit money everywhere?"
10 hours screaming unskippable
And usually not about your own failure.
Also something about not wanting to hoard things.