saku 🌠
this teacher is annoying for trying to work ahead
saku 🌠
she has a lecture every week that she wants you to watch by thursday but she doesn't upload ever it until thursday afternoon. and the quiz can't be done without watching her lecture and that's also due on thursday
saku 🌠
so basically she leaves everyone scrambling every week to get it done on time
saku 🌠
she also lied to my accomidations counselor and told her there's no tests or quizes to give me accomidations on when they are frequent
saku 🌠
i'm not sure what to do?
Email the teacher and CC in the counselor to clarify the issue?
saku 🌠
how do i put it that doesn't sound confrontational, though
I mean, all you have to do is say that you have the understanding that x are quizzes that qualify for accommodations. But either you're wrong and want to know how so you can better understand in the future or you're right and you should be receiving the accommodations.
saku 🌠
saku 🌠
thanks <3
If you really don't want to be confrontational, couch it in terms of 'I may be understanding this, please educate me'.
But include the counselor so that both of them are understanding what's being referenced.
May be misunderstanding, I mean.
Bah Humbug
Yeah whenever you wanna be non threatening just pretend you think you’re the one in the wrong especially when you know you’re not. Way more likely to get results, especially with stubborn people.
saku 🌠
makes sense