dragon time
characters v the One Ring
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Alice goes mad with power almost immediately.
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I love her but restraint is not her thing one itty bit
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The saving grace is that this happens so fast that if her friends can tackle her and get it off her then there will be barely a whisper of lasting influence
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She ain't going full Gollum
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I mean the other flip side is that if they don't catch her she will be skulking in the Abyss muttering over the precious
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She's not terribly ambitious
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The Ring hates this
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Reyson is the Galadriel in that he does not want to touch it because he knows that if he does he'd go Dark Prince and lapse into "let's kill the humans" again
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Bulat could hold out for an astonishing length of time given his similar relationship with a similar corrupting invisibility artifact with a will of its own but that's why the ring would immediately start broadcasting "heyyyy you wanna kill this guy and take all his stuff" beams
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Minako is the Bilbo. immediately starts using the Ring for various reasons of varying morality, does not do what the ring would prefer, hangs onto it for longer than she really should
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Laios shoves it in his bag and forgets about it,
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Magic items aren't really his thing
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Even the invisibility isn't that handy, he likes to sneak up on monsters and those usually rely on scent or hearing although it could be pretty handy against a griffin since bird based monsters-
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Princess can't wear rings
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Mallory Valerie Valentine-Park wears it for a week and goes into a weirdo art fugue about it and the co pilots have to do an intervention
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Sesen is the Samwise, she absolutely does not view herself as capable of handling it but will support whoever is, and also could carry it around if push came to shove
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Party Satan might actually have the ring somewhere in the depths of inventory
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I mean might own a Solitary Ring legally distinct from other gold rings with sinister evil script on it
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If you translate it it's the lyrics to Booty Man
dragon time
Don't let Bechamel have it