Niamh Vibes
[and then there were none] I actually haven't ever watched or read this so I'm checking out the 2015 miniseries
Niamh Vibes
Yeah honestly the title is like
Niamh Vibes
the big thing stopping me from just reading it
Niamh Vibes
Which isn't entirely fair but I can't make myself put it out of mind
they made a miniseries! interesting.
Niamh Vibes
that's good!
i've read the book and watched the movie. wonder if the miniseries ending is more accurate to the book
Niamh Vibes
Big problem so far that I've done to myself
Dead Mentors
I imagine the miniseries, given the medium, is likely closer to the play's ending than the book's.
Niamh Vibes
the files I've acquired have no subtitles
Dead Mentors
The play was adapted from the book by Christie herself, so, like, they're both good.
Dead Mentors
The execution is just very different due to the nature of the differences between the two media.
Dead Mentors
Oh, interesting!
Niamh Vibes
I honestly adore that Agatha Christie would change the endings for stage shows
gods i love the book though
Niamh Vibes
I think more authors should do that
Dead Mentors
Once you're done, I'll be happy to talk about how the play ends.
Dead Mentors
I actually read the play in English class before I read the book on my own time.
Niamh Vibes
Okay this is actually untenable, I can't understand the speakers
Niamh Vibes
ugh fuck it
Niamh Vibes
$4 on amazon
Niamh Vibes
Okay now I can keep track of these characters
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Vera Claythorne has been hired as an assistant/secretary
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Cutting between various people receiving letters from UN Owens
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A man in an empty recording booth
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"This is for a play in West End, you said? Am I going to be credited?"
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Puffs himself up before reading off "Ladies and Gentlemen. You have been charged with the following indictments."
sees the letter name subtle, agatha
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2015 really is the exact year I'd expect this to come out
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that weird early 10s sound mixing where character voices get overshadowed by background noise and music
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Mr. Narracott taking various people over to the island
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General MacArthur
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Justice Wargrave
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Phillip Lombard
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he was introduced speeding past General MacArthur for fun in classic reckless rich boy style
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and a man named Davis
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or what, I might have mixed up people
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There's another man Phillip sped past
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Maid and a Butler already on Soldier island
this does kind of do the danganronpa thing where everybody's got like, a Role or Aesthetic or Job to help keep them apart
(there's a lot of ways this is similar to danganronpa actually)
but i have no idea how similar they look in the miniseries
Niamh Vibes
I was thinking more Umineko
Niamh Vibes
which definitely inspired from this
could be, i haven't done the when they cry's yet
Niamh Vibes big hole
Niamh Vibes
Man in White hasn't introduced himself
Dead Mentors
Umineko is super inspired by And Then There Were None
Dead Mentors
It is not subtle about it.
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Narracourt watches the people go into the mansion warily
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Tony Marston
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Judge Wargrave is here to meet Constance Culmington, who hasn't arrived
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Davis, like me, is writing down notes about the cast
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ahhhh there's the poem
Niamh Vibes
there's a lot of just intense visual direction in this
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You need to be absorbing a lot of silent storytelling and try to parse the meaning yourself
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Man in White trembling in his bed, possibly sick
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god some faces are already blending together
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-god Mr. Rogers the butler is just. aggressively mean to his wife
Niamh Vibes
Emily Brent is already here and sucks shit
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bullying Ethel the maid
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Davis practicing talking to the Judge in the mirror
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Ethel is crumbling to pieces trying to sound stern and forcefully treat Vera like a guest
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Even as Vera insists she's a secretary and part of the staff
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Man in White is Edward Armstrong
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Oh Lombard sucks shit
Niamh Vibes
Lombard and Tony Marston just being absolutely shitbags to everyone
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Clue definitely pulled from this dinner scene too
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Strangers trying to talk to each other
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god this food looks good
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god Lombard's vain but Marston is just obnoxious and aggressive
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oh Armstrong has ANGER issues
Niamh Vibes
So far in general the show is definitely very
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Niamh Vibes
like its good for that era of edgy post-Nolan tv but
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I hate Emily Brent so much
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Niamh Vibes
the recording the Owens paid for
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time to tear into the whole cast
Niamh Vibes
The following indictments
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Dr. Edward George Armstrong, that you killed Louisa May Cleese
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Emily Caroline Brent, that you murdered Beatrice Taylor.
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William Henry Blore, that you did murder James Stephen Landor
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Vera Elizabeth Claythorne: that did you did murder Cyril Hamilton
Niamh Vibes
Phillip Lombard, that you did murder 21 men, members of an East African tribe.
Niamh Vibes
John Gordon MacArthur, that you did murder Henry Richmond
Niamh Vibes
Anthony James Marston, that you did murder John and Lucy Combes
Niamh Vibes
Lawrence John Wargrave, that you did murder Edward Seton
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Thomas and Ethel Rogers, that you did murder Jennifer Brady
Niamh Vibes
How do you plead?
Niamh Vibes
A record called Swan song
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Davis is truly William Henry Blore
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Detective Sergeant Blore
Niamh Vibes
That's just great presentation
Niamh Vibes
gotta give it up for Owens
Niamh Vibes
oh Rogers is outright abusive
Niamh Vibes
ohhhhhh jesus
Niamh Vibes
the presentation of this is great
Niamh Vibes
Mr. Rogers: "Mrs. Brady was a kind woman, a great employer. She left us... some money for us after her passing. But some people will say anything to hurt others."
Niamh Vibes
And as he says that
Niamh Vibes
it shows him smothering Mrs. Brady
Niamh Vibes
Marston claims he's never met the Combes
Niamh Vibes
Armstrong: "Louise was a surgical patient. It was... risky, but it wasn't my fault."
Niamh Vibes
god there's SO MANY NAMES to keep track of
Niamh Vibes
MacArthur praises of his fellow soldier Henry Richmond and resents the implication he could have killed him, how dare
Niamh Vibes
Justice Wargrave admits that he saw illegal evidence that influenced his decision to find Edward Seton guilty
Niamh Vibes
Blore insists Landor was a drunk who died unrelated to his arrest
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Vera is the only one copping to any kind of blame
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Tearfully regretting how she was unable to save Cyril
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Niamh Vibes
Phillip admits to killing 21 men
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without shame or remorse
Niamh Vibes
oh my GOD
Niamh Vibes
Brent: "You awful man. Men like you put our missionaries in danger"
Niamh Vibes
jesus CHRIST Marston
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"Oh maybe the Combes were those kids"
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"I lost my license after running them over"
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"What a nuisance"
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oh there he goes
Niamh Vibes
Marston dies QUICK
Niamh Vibes
oh this Armstrong flashback is a lot
Niamh Vibes
oh its a dream even
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walking in on his patient already a bloody corpse at his own hand
Niamh Vibes
Mrs. Rogers already dead
Niamh Vibes
god that's so aggressively british
Niamh Vibes
wife dead? Well, Mr Rogers needs to cook breakfast
Niamh Vibes
Stiff upper lip
Niamh Vibes
jesus Armstrong sucks
Niamh Vibes
"Don't unravel on us Mrs. Claythorne. Hysterical women are so boring."
Niamh Vibes
Everyone just the SCUMMIEST piece of shit
Niamh Vibes
Vera hallucinating and remembering a man named Hugo
Niamh Vibes
oh MacArthur's hallucinating too
Niamh Vibes
they're all crumbling and its only the first episode
Niamh Vibes
I'm trying to keep an eye out for a fake death bc like
Niamh Vibes
there just has to be
Dead Mentors
Nonsense, the great witch U. N. Owen kills them all.
Niamh Vibes
god Armstrong pretends to be pleasant and he's probably one of the worst among them
Niamh Vibes
what a bunch of scumbags
Niamh Vibes
Lombard's motive for killing was diamonds
Niamh Vibes
Lombard: "I know what I am. I always knew it would catch up to me. And here it is"
Niamh Vibes
oh jesus
ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇss
ohhhh have fun, i have not seen the miniseries but have been wanting to watch it for quite some time. i love the book.
Niamh Vibes
MacArthur's motive: killing his friend bc Henry was sleeping with his wife
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
MacArthur is the one welcoming his death
Niamh Vibes
The noblest one after all
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
I imagine
Niamh Vibes
this sexual tension between Emily Brent and her victim,
Niamh Vibes
wasn't in the original
Niamh Vibes
And that's her beating Beatrice the maid and sending her out to die after getting caught sleeping with a man
ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇss
oh my gosh. yeah that is new!
Niamh Vibes
Its not like, a cool sexual tension
Niamh Vibes
Its vaguely predatory
ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇss
yeah, i figured as much. i remember her crime.
Niamh Vibes
everybody's hallucinating
Niamh Vibes
-oh no that's
Niamh Vibes
that's a real corpse
Niamh Vibes
MacArthur's dead too
Niamh Vibes
For the record, this is a hell of a cast
Niamh Vibes
Charles Dance as Wargrave
Niamh Vibes
Sam Neil as MacArthur
Niamh Vibes
There's a special touch here that I adore
Niamh Vibes
Emily Brent talking about how she was invited by the Owens to ensure moral upstanding behavior in young ladies
Niamh Vibes
And it cuts to the secretary who typed up the letters
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just looking annoyed that she has to type something like this
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Armstrong breakdown hours
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Mr. Rogers dead
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Armstrong points at the other rich man of high class: "We're the smart ones, I know this"
Niamh Vibes
god the presentation of this scene
Niamh Vibes
Vera stoically walks into a room, the camera doesn't follow
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Vera walks out, still stoic
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Stares at the gong for a bit
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Walks to the dining room to look at the wax figures
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Confirms that there's five now instead of six
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Stoically walks back to the gong
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Hammers on it
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You don't even see the body yet you just
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
and there's Brent
Niamh Vibes
rip in Brent
"This is so many names to keep track of"
Agatha Christie has you covered
she'll fix this problem
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
Armstrong is just an incredible piece of shit
Niamh Vibes
spiraling into pieces
Niamh Vibes
A long tense argument about people accusing each other where Blore was and why he was the last one down the stairs
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Niamh Vibes
Everyone pauses
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and just start giggling
Niamh Vibes
that's just a
Niamh Vibes
lovely bit of humanity
Niamh Vibes
We still haven't had any flashbacks about Wargrave, which makes me suspicious
Niamh Vibes
Pausing for now bc
Niamh Vibes
Three hours of Christie is a lot
Niamh Vibes
back at this
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Wargrave talking about watching Edward Seton's execution
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Niamh Vibes
Wargrave's death doesn't fit the poem
Niamh Vibes
I'm gonna.... tentatively put that as my guess for a fake death
Niamh Vibes
Although the characters seem to think it does
Niamh Vibes
-oh my god
Niamh Vibes
they're all getting HIGH
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to force themselves to stay awake
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I'm sure this will have no consequences
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Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
Phillip and Vera getting closer together
Niamh Vibes
which convinces Armstrong they're Mr. and Mrs. Owens
Niamh Vibes
there is
Niamh Vibes
way too much time left in the second and third episodes
Niamh Vibes
with only five people
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
Blore flashback time
Niamh Vibes
Shocker, Blore's done some dirty shit
Niamh Vibes
Men off hunting for Armstrong
Niamh Vibes
Things super didn't work out for Hugo and Vera
Niamh Vibes
gun just found Phillip's room
Niamh Vibes
Armstrong's vanished not dead
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
the way the dynamics change between different characters is so fascinating
Niamh Vibes
Phillip and Blore start kind of antagonistic with Phillip calling him Tubs
Niamh Vibes
And then weirdly friendly
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and then aggressive again
Niamh Vibes
Blore: "Are we... dead already?"
Niamh Vibes
"Is this just hell? Being punished for what we've done."
Niamh Vibes
what the fuck
Niamh Vibes
the killer wore
Niamh Vibes
a bearskin
Niamh Vibes
when killing Blore
Niamh Vibes
how is there a full episode after this
Niamh Vibes
Phillip and Vera are the only ones left
Niamh Vibes
Someone HAS to have faked a death
Niamh Vibes
annnnd there's Armstrong
Niamh Vibes
it really is just them
Dead Mentors
a bearskin?! good lord
Dead Mentors
in the play and book, IIRC, a bear-shaped clock falls on his head
Niamh Vibes
jesus christ Vera
Niamh Vibes
she pretends that they need to bury Armstrong
Niamh Vibes
And then steals Phillip's gun
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Niamh Vibes
and there's
Niamh Vibes
Niamh Vibes
at Vera's hands
Niamh Vibes
IS there a third episode