Milk Apocalypse
[BSD| Bungou Mayoi] I haven't played this game in a minute, but I'm loving the yokai theme!
Milk Apocalypse
I'm a sucker for yokai shit!
Milk Apocalypse
Look at Aku!!
Milk Apocalypse
Of course he's a black kitsune because they're supposed to be malevolent.
Milk Apocalypse
And I love that Atsushi is an onmyouji
Milk Apocalypse
This event is so my jam!
Milk Apocalypse
Oni! Chuuya
Milk Apocalypse
Tsuchigumo! Kouyou
Milk Apocalypse
Looks like Mori is an onmyouji too with Alice as his familiar?
Milk Apocalypse
: Very cute!
mori, your hat... just give it to chuu, he'd probaby stick it on his horns
everyone looks so good... idk if i can be arsed to play again but i may have to log in and see if log-in bonuses and what not will let me roll
Milk Apocalypse
fatui: that’s what I did and they actually gave me enough but no one came home
Milk Apocalypse
For Aku he’s part of this limited event campaign including a shrine maiden Higuchi
haha, same... sometimes i get tempted to play this game properly again but it gets kinda repetitive, and new cards are rare if not non-existent these days, so
Milk Apocalypse
fatui: This is why I stopped too
I FEEL BAD like i do want to support but also... if it's boring......
Milk Apocalypse
Apparently they lost a lot of players and seem be offering “Welcome Back” bonuses
Milk Apocalypse
This I need something to keep me interested
omg i borrowed someone's oni!chuu to check out the animation and IT IS SO GOOD ckebhbkbekv
Milk Apocalypse
That’s how they get you