👦 I saw that you have an experience of tutoring in your ppt, can you tell me more about it? 👧 cuz she is just a kid...patience, making adaption...to suit her
👦 What kind of materials you use to teach the kid, or you called "her" (這邊超好笑xd) 👧 I mainly use ppt to teach abc and have some handmade flashcard. I also design some games for her cuz she cannot focus for so long.
👦 Do you have any experiences of online tutoring? 👧 No, but I don't know if it is ok. (自己亂講想講的xd) This winter vacation, I am not in HsinTsu, so I made a ppt having records(?) in it to let her listen and read at the same time. (這邊純粹想講一下我做了啥哈哈哈)
👧 cuz she is just a kid...patience, making adaption...to suit her
👧 I mainly use ppt to teach abc and have some handmade flashcard. I also design some games for her cuz she cannot focus for so long.
👧 No, but I don't know if it is ok. (自己亂講想講的xd) This winter vacation, I am not in HsinTsu, so I made a ppt having records(?) in it to let her listen and read at the same time.
👧 okay (回不來)
👦 你有帶營隊的經驗嗎?
👧 這一次原本有,但因為疫情取消了。
👦 你寒暑假有空嗎?因為我們這個活動會在寒暑假有營隊。
👧 這個暑假就是如果營隊有延期的話會辦,然後我說的自閉症兒童的活動會有一週的活動在暑假。
👦 好,那你有什麼問題嗎?
👧 呃,目前沒有。
👦 好,那我們兩週內會寄通知給妳,拜拜! 👧 拜拜!