Australia will open their border in 2 weeks proving my random theory that the world already in yalla state for this year
nots menta
https://images.plurk.com/IzDnstUNsH0uJcfaWj6k0.jpg ini ya
Yes. And the term is for visitor with fully vaccinated aka 2 shoot can enter the country without any quarantine time.

Edit: it’s also written in the pic.
Our Zukoui encouraged us to "make peace with covid" long time ago but we only laughed at him. Turns out most country will accept the covid and live with it.
I go meow
is it for all nationality? Because some of these traveling rules are only for low-risk country
2024-2009 : Yes. I made the similar status few days ago. Our President is forward thinking
"Prophets are not without honour, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house." (Mark 6:1-6)

I go meow : as far as I know it’s for all vaccinated international travelers. Still haven’t read the gov website for that, tho. Most countries already scraped the high-low risk countries list. I could be wrong
Jokowi is our savior
I go meow
can't wait Singapore to open border to Indonesian nationality without quarantine
I go meow : I somehow miss changi Singapore and Bangkok too
ヽ(∀° )人( °∀)ノ
Nahiyaaa setuju gue nih, gue pun mikirnya gitu.
Segitu tertutupnya Australi selama pandemi tapi buka gate tanpa karantina
Lucy Stephanie
oh, really? here I thought they've been open all along. hurray! Hoping to get in there soon!
Yes. The shocking part is the non quarantine part. 180 degrees
Lucy Stephanie
I like that word. yalla state (rofl)
nots menta
yalla yalla (haha)