Vincent Gogh
quick pop in;
how are you all?

Vincent Gogh
its still snowing badly but CPS didnt declare a snow day

Vincent Gogh
theres at least 5 inches and its gonna snow till later tonight

Vincent Gogh
I think CPS is slapping us for taking the unofficial strike in Jan

Vincent Gogh
we shouldnt be in school :|

Vincent Gogh
we have 5 teachers out at my school

Vincent Gogh
the VP asked me if I could into the Matrix and multiple XD

Vincent Gogh
I'll post pictures later

Prickly Android
Snow is evil!

Vincent Gogh
but it is a winter wonderland

Vincent Gogh
oh no the snow isnt

Vincent Gogh
I love the snow

Vincent Gogh
what is evil is CPS not saying go remote learning

Vincent Gogh
But - I think we'll all being smacked for the illegal strike last month

Vincent Gogh
which cost a week of school

Vincent Gogh
but this isnt safe for anyone to be driving in that is for sure

Vincent Gogh
thankfully I do not drive but take the rails

Vincent Gogh
I can drive but a car is too much to have

Vincent Gogh
but yeah its supposed to snow till 8pmish tonight

Vincent Gogh
I was out at recess and it was still snowing

Vincent Gogh
and its like up almost to my knee

Vincent Gogh
but yeah snow isnt evil; the fact we're not having online school is

Vincent Gogh
Live Weather: Snow Totals Near 10 Inches for Some, T...

Vincent Gogh
its really not safe to be driving in for anyone

Prickly Android
It's evil in the Puget Sound.

Prickly Android
But then again, us Washingtonians aren't used to snow. Rain is our forte.

Vincent Gogh
rain starts out as snow

Vincent Gogh

Vincent Gogh
or have you forgotten what Miss Frizzle taught us?

Prickly Android
Yikes. Too much snow. I'll keep my rain. Thank you very much.

Prickly Android

Vincent Gogh
XD its true; when its up in the clouds it is snow and changes into rain because of the air temperature being warm

Vincent Gogh
but when water evaporates it is snow before its rain

Prickly Android
It can stay snow up there, as long as I have rain. I hate driving in it, I hate the cold, I hate the ice under it, especially with our hills. Snow can stay in the mountains where it belongs. Leave the lowlands alone.

Prickly Android

Vincent Gogh

Vincent Gogh
okay that is fair

Prickly Android
Because there's always ice under it here. And almost everywhere you drive you have a hill, usually decently steep.

Vincent Gogh
nod nod

Vincent Gogh
anyways need to pop off; will be back later after work

Vincent Gogh
have a good one you all <3

today is cramp day, apparently. Yaaaaaaay

have a good day at work <3

Vincent Gogh
sends healing vibes

Vincent Gogh
hope you're feeling a bit better!