I need to buy another rug (that I actually like) that I can put his bed on. the vinyl planks are definitely colder than the carpet was. which I'm not surprised by, given my bedroom floor is always cold in the winter even with the carpet, but it's annoying. I've been wearing slippers so much more than I used to this winter
just had a moment of "wtf why is this in this status, who's changing shit they shouldn't" at seeing a March 2021 date, and it took a good minute and me looking back at the jira card for something else to realize "oh right, last year was '21 and this is' 22"
I think that's the first I've nearly blushed at a tag in a while, which has me laughing at myself because it's not even that juicy, it's just been eons since I've dabbled in certain things
though I have a hunch when the villain thread finally gets to the part where tentacles come into play I might legit blush. maybe. since that will actually be a new thing to write (shockingly)
no huge updates from the sis today, if partly bc she's been sleeping most of the day to try and avoid the pain and just generally feeling exhausted. I think it's day 4/5 for her, so crossing my fingers she finally starts to feel better and not worse
apparently her dog has been trying to play nurse and keeping her company a lot of the time, and understands she's not feeling well but doesn't quite understand why she can't play (dog is 2, so he's still a bit puppy-ish in some ways, but overall pretty well behaved)
on a different note - even though it is kinda cramped right now (and until I manage to get my bed moved slightly), it's more than a little nice to go get on my pc after work and not have the upstairs tv and chatter in the background
also did a small grocery order during the workday rather than hope that I'd feel up to leaving the house after work - which go figure, I did not. so that's another thing taken care of that I can't get sour at myself for when my mood slips
I'll still probably run out at some point this week, if for no other reason than I don't think I've been out of the house in almost 2 weeks, and I really don't want to not start my car for an extended period of time when it's cold just in case
just had a moment of "wtf why is this in this status, who's changing shit they shouldn't" at seeing a March 2021 date, and it took a good minute and me looking back at the jira card for something else to realize "oh right, last year was '21 and this is' 22"