Zigzag Stampede
I was going to slam into tags and write a top level for the event today, but I just spent nearly 3 hours staring at different home loan options and terms. I'm going to give myself a word break for a bit.
Zigzag Stampede
Play some missions in RD2 and then try tags/posts because my mind is so mush right now.
Zigzag Stampede
I'm so scared and excited for this next step. Excited at the idea of finally having a place that is mine. To do with as I want. To not have to ask if I want to put a hook in the wall to hang a painting
Zigzag Stampede
To plant what I want. To rip out what I don't.
Zigzag Stampede
At the same time I'm worried about making a 30+ year mistake
Zigzag Stampede
And when things go wrong having to pay for the repairs myself
If there's any help I can throw towards you guys, let me know, okay?
I don't know what but I'm here.
high five on the whole home loan thing
apparently st thor can't get one unless I also sign on for it because our accounts are too entangled, so (gpokerface)
Tisiphone I mean, after.... over twenty years, it's not that big a shock really.
Zigzag Stampede
Interesting. I didn't know they wouldn't let him be the sole owner of a loan
it's because he pays for everything and hten I pay him half, so when they look at his outgoings it's twice what it actually is, and the bank apparently won't listen to "but this person pays half" because there's no outright proof of that
but if I go on the loan with him, suddenly I exist to the loan people and they see I pay half of it. it's... silly and finicky and financial dumbassery, but eh.
Zigzag Stampede
Ahhh, I see
Financial institutes cover themselves... when it's not someone stupidly rich on paper.
MY SYMPATHIES. My wife and I are also starting on the home ownership journey and it's all so 😵‍💫
Zigzag Stampede
It makes me want to rock back and forth and cry
Zigzag Stampede
But also VICTORY! I have written both Vash and Tim's event posts! But now I'm debating holding off for 2 days and posting them in Feb to count towards Feb AC
Zigzag Stampede
Although I feel bad for the person waiting for me to write the starter
Zigzag Stampede
After talking to a morage broker today we've decided to wait 4 more months before attempting our first pre approval. He thinks there are 3 loans we could qualify for right now, but we're right on the cusp of having some better offers if Nu was at her new job just a tad longer.
Zigzag Stampede
Plus this gives us another 4 months to save up so we think it's the best move as well
Zigzag Stampede
Having a better and wider pick of offers we think it's a better move and for a 30 year loan 4 months really isn't that long of a wait
Zigzag Stampede
Talking to him made me feel better about some things and it was also nerve wrecking because it was like: omg, this is happening. We're taking the first real physical step towards owning a property
𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚎🧛
It can be scary, but it's an awesome step!
Zigzag Stampede
Four months is going to go by so fast!!!!