innovator 🤖
plot with me for February?
innovator 🤖
innovator 🤖
Sandalphon is a moody fucker and even more so with Gabriel revealing secrets so he’s probably even more of a hermit. Good luck to anyone trying to friend him.
innovator 🤖
Naoto is trying his best!!! Fearing his mech limbs falling apart but yknow that comes with the territory. He’s got himself a Fletchling but he’s significantly more friendlier than Sandy is right now
innovator 🤖
would not mind more of these. I love memes/PSLs
innovator 🤖
funnily enough modern au naoto is what I’m doing most of and I’m not complaining.
ht is joyful 👻🌸
I need more tags from you
innovator 🤖
innovator 🤖
OH YEAH if you want a psl and don’t know who I play here is my muselist
innovator 🤖
just more pls lol
I know we got stuff I will eventually tag once my energy returns. but also, what do you want your Nahobino does with my demons? still only got Lilith and Mermaid
innovator 🤖
hmmmmm so up for nahobino and lilim, as for what they should do? idk
how about trying to cheer him up after the Lahmu battle?
innovator 🤖
cool! if you wanna set it up I can tag with her later
innovator 🤖
At worrrk
innovator 🤖
but I can do it
innovator 🤖
innovator 🤖
because i start student teaching wednesday, my tagging speed's gonna decrease considerably, so please bear with me!!
no worries