The other day I thought it might be funny to find a recipe for a Pangalactic Gargleblaster and the first result I found was this god-killing super poison on allrecipes. Note the packet of Emergen-C as an ingredient.
So you're not alone, is I guess my point, however many questions I have about this person and their choices.
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster - Printer Friendly okay i found this recipe and it's making me think of the possibility of people using allrecipes to troll, something i've never considered before
It's an old military ration trick to take your dried raisins/cranberries and mix them with your dry drink mix to make something kinda like Sour Patch Kids, actually. So...seems legit?
So you're not alone, is I guess my point, however many questions I have about this person and their choices.