hello pals what kind of eggs do you like best
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
scrambled with some kinda meat
I pretty much like everything egg but I love poached eggs :9 I just can't do them myself
emperor zombie
i mean if takh is going to be like that then i'll supply "quail"
but my favorite preparation is also poached (if i am having someone else make them for me) or fried if I'm making them myself (sunny side up, over easy, basted all good)
emperor zombie
OH, okay, so, I am not helpful, but I love all egg. Give me egg.
emperor zombie
I am picky about scrambled, and don't really care for over-easy, but all other egg.
emperor zombie
They are mine. Poach, boil, fried, etc. I even like egg salad sandwiches. (Even the shitty gas station sort.)
emperor zombie
I have no class.
egg salad sandwiches are good actually? never suspected this as a child but it turns out it's true.
emperor zombie
Right? With fresh black pepper and paprika, a little celery, and good bread. It's like a deviled egg, but less effort.
All eggs are good, but sunny side up is my favorite
i just consumed 2 sunny side up eggs because it was quick and also boo wanted to lick the yolk off my plate
(i allowed it bc i love her)
thinking about egg salad got me thinking about chicken salad sandwiches, the kind with grapes in :999999
mmmmmmm those are all very good egg options. eggtions??
I love me an egg drop soup also
emperor zombie
I am ambivalent about curried eggs.
emperor zombie
but, an egg in spicy tomato? yes.
shakshuka!!!!! my mom's favorite dish