Typically, the voting period during a trial ends when all the votes are received, though as long as there is a majority of the cast that has voted and a majority of those are correct, we may move along with the execution just to keep the pace of the trial going if it takes too long for everyone to put a vote in
When the vote gets called and when it ends can't be pinned down to a specific time window, it all depends on the energy and pace of the trial and whether a conclusion has been reached
that's kind of the sweet spot that we aim for, because if it takes less than about 3 hours or more than about 9, then the case was probably too easy or too hard.
psychic powers that come from non-scientific sources, yes. Psychic powers like El from Stranger Things or like the Oracle from the Matrix, however, come from science/technology
an official notice on letterhead paper that says "diana the musical does not meet the requirements no matter how much you claim "the quickchanges were fucking magic""
birthday snake
you wanted to app a cookie run to a murdergame right. I'm just tagging you because I think it would be funny if that was the other canon to hit cap
The blood thing is mostly Harry Potter but they do sometimes have ~healing powers~ in the horn though whether that's like, they use the horn to do a magic or you take the horn and use it to do a magic varies
could be three daysNEO: The World Ends With You
...I don't need to switch my reserve to Cerise...babysitteroverseer