Work day went by so fast!!
Worked on an interesting modification today.
While reviewing file for pertinent language came across ...
" after I shot myself, name of other party got a restraining order and wouldn't allow me to see the kids 😢"
Funny how that happens.
Good afties Plurkville https://images.plurk.com/1hSlPcnHMDi4iexJnNxy7G.gif
Indikon : That will teach me to dig around in a fat file. Good afties sweetie (cozy) (K)
Starfirez: lol, right
Well, how interesting.
One of those, too much information moments.
Good evening mimi : (cozy) (K)
BrickGirl : there were photos too
That was totally unrelated to case btw, it was a simple change of income/circumstances type of thing. Nothing to do with kids or custody, have no idea why there was so much over sharing going on.