Zigzag Stampede
Hello! I go here now 8D I've brought with me Manji from Blade of the Immortal!
Zigzag Stampede
I am excited to be playing Manji again!
Icarian Habits
Icarian Habits
Oh, I'm going to have to throw my OC, Meredith at you sometime.
Icarian Habits
She is innocent. Harmless. Absolutely no trouble to anyone at all ever.
Icarian Habits
Zigzag Stampede
I'm excited! So excited that I just broke work's call center and now I have to work overtime (Not really, work is having issues)
Zigzag Stampede
Of course it's on a day I'm excited to join a new game! D'oh!
Icarian Habits
Don't worry, you've got time to get your you together. If you want a quick in on plot, there's a network post from Stephen Strange that'll help you get prepped for the monthly event, but even without that, we'll drag you in. <3
Zigzag Stampede
/reaches gently for
Icarian Habits
holds gently I don't think Meredith's going to know what to make of Manji
Zigzag Stampede
That's fair. I don't think most know what to think of Manji
Zigzag Stampede
Also I don't get work. They basically want me to sit and tell people our call centre is down and to please fill out our online form.... But we... Have... An automated... Message that... Can... Do that????
man, see now I have to follow you at some point
(I haven't forgotten our thread, it just got lost in my inbox of 80 messages >>)
Zigzag Stampede
Come get me KJ!