神秘英數提示: 2. Tony and Aphrodite have two beautiful children: Philip and Tyra, today this family is heading to the market to buy 113 kilograms of potato and 516 tomato.
花掉大們這麼多時間有點(蠻)不好意思…救… 來降一點題目的雞掰度…… the headless monster is coming, everything is inside he's stomach, only names and numbers remain on earth. 0119再降低一點雞掰度&增加一點圖進去 之後可能會釋出到推特… 噗浪可能會晚點再上 (tag…太長了…
Tony and Aphrodite have two beautiful children: Philip and Tyra, today this family is heading to the market to buy 113 kilograms of potato and 516 tomato.
需要提示或是對答案可以私 這噗不會留提示或答案
之後可能會釋出到推特… 噗浪可能會晚點再上 (tag…太長了…
牢波大沒發現是雷圖…喔… 但我很喜歡…2022自信作…… (但也有可能是雷到無言我樂觀……
等 等我明後天補點辣手摧花的東西進去…