Angry Popoto
I would like a re-do on this morning.
/cuddles you
Angry Popoto
I slept through my alarms, got woken up by the front desk calling to remind me that I was supposed to be on a 5:30 van with my crew, bolted into clothes and getting my stuff together, got downstairs in ten minutes (5:40).
Angry Popoto
My crew had already left since there was another crew that had to go, but the hotel had a second van and took me right after them.
Angry Popoto
Got to the plane on time, boarded up on time, started discovering that there was a lot of stupid things missing on the plane. Got into the air and discovered even more stupid things missing in the galley.
Angry Popoto
Oh, and the CD player ate the CD and wouldn’t respond to the buttons. So that was fun.
Angry Popoto
On descent I dropped half a tray of soda and juice and a coke cracked open and sprayed all over.
Angry Popoto
Oh, and my period has started, so I am crampy as hell and feeling gross.
Angry Popoto
I was gonna change my shirt during this sit, but the way that things are going, I’m just gonna get hit with something else if I put the clean one on, so screw that.
/cuddles you.
I'm so sorry Aiko. That is a crappy morning