Hazard Kitten
Well sure dreamt that Phoenix Wright had to defend Harlock and it's silly
Hazard Kitten
I recall Phoenix crying because Harlock's rapsheet is bigger than Mia's lawbooks and then crying again because Harlock intercepting an object being thrown at him by the prosecution
Bolt Vanderhuge
Bolt Vanderhuge
Harlock, accused of a crime he didn't commit.

As opposed to all those crimes he did commit
Hazard Kitten
a murder of a former crewmember (and being adamant he would never kill someone in cold blood or someone he had considered a comrade)
Hazard Kitten
but yep
Hazard Kitten
'I'm a pirate not a cold-blooded murderer'
Very silly. That would require someone to catch Harlock.
Hazard Kitten
yes that is the hardest part to believe
Hazard Kitten
Hazard Kitten
drabble time.