Reapers survive with only a nerf to their arcane crest healing
Tanks weren’t even touched; excuse me while I throw my head back and ugly laugh at people screaming they should..... bring back Dark Arts spam.
MNK Zoomies
why do people want dark arts back
It’s dumb because it’s. Still there.

You just don’t have to spam it for every weaponskill.
I don’t understand the dancer changes though. They actually need some help and I can’t see this helping at all.
MNK Zoomies
MNK Zoomies
I hope the nin changes are helpful, I have no idea if they are but I know they were struggling
NIN is like the king of .05 major changes the last couple expansions
Oh the DNC change does effectively buff ... RPR and MNK, due to how Arcane Circle and Brotherhood work, lol
They’re. Already the top melees.
MNK Zoomies
yeah ;;
MNK Zoomies
though as a mnk main,
extremely glad for the extension to Max Melee Range for Iaijutsu.
MNK Zoomies
dancer does need its own buffs though, yeah. At the moment it seems its only purpose is to just make other dps better
MNK Zoomies
like mnk and rpr
MNK Zoomies
also servers are back!
MNK Zoomies
...oh wow
MNK Zoomies
it broke ;;
I made my money, off to work now for me
Guardian Bear J
What were you selling, anyway?
A handful of Grade IXs and apho mats.
Stocked them specifically for this
Guardian Bear J
Ah, that'd do it.
Saving the Xs for my own melds, and i don’t have it in me to try overmelding
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Gonna need to learn sooner or later.
At the rate I go I probably won’t have all my crafters up until next patch anyway
(And then I no life 48 hours straight and do them all at once next week or some shit)
Guardian Bear J
XD; It's real easy, I can talk you through it real quick
Guardian Bear J
Hardest part is the gathering.
i am standing on the precipice of the pentameld shelf so, can't relate.
Guardian Bear J
In about a week, you're gonna hear me hating myself.