It occurs to me that I may be So Fucking Weird and desperate to interact...because it's been over two years since I spent time with anyone other than my relatives and my parents' friends. And my therapist a couple times.
My godparents are lovely and I'm fond of them but they aren't MY friends
I'm, you know, There, and they're happy to see me, but
I'm not the one they're here to see
Yyyyyyeah that sounds like that would do a Psychological Number on anyone
I didn't realize that trundling up to CT to spend a week w my friends every few months was so. load-bearing.
And I`m QV
God yeah that'd fuck you up kinda bad
I was going, "why are you so lonely? you see people every - oh. right. none of them are here for YOU."
And I`m QV
It's real important to have You Time and sometimes You Time means people who are excited to see You rather than like, being alone
Lynx and Paint
ahhh man I am...definitely feeling you on that lately
Lynx and Paint
it can mess you up D:
ooof yeah, that'd definitely do it