Chocolate Kat
OC LOVE PLURK I want to hear about all your awesome original characters you've made or played against! Give us some love to start 2022!
Chocolate Kat
-- No judgment in this plurk, if you want to talk about your own OCs or someone else's this is a Love Only Space.
Chocolate Kat
-- If you already talked about the OC but you're still feeling that love vibe, DO IT AGAIN. Maybe someone else hasn't heard about them!
Chocolate Kat
-- YES WORKSHOP OCS IF YOU LIKE. I love playing Make You OCs so if you want to, go for it. Talk OCs, make friends, build verses, it's all good here.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
In general I'M SUPER HAPPY TO SEE ALL THE OCS AROUND LATELY. Like I've seen so many OCs on memes, in games, and a lot of friends have been workshopping OCs in recent months and original characters are awesome so yes more of all of that please.
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
I still have to art a little but after that... might hang out here
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
But to start it off I will say that I am loving the OCs that are at . They are all unique and a lot of fun to follow, even the ones I'm not tagging.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
unoiled snake : STAR OF STARS IS AWESOME JUST SO YOU KNOW. You should do more with her when you have time because she's such a fun OC.
unoiled snake
ahhhhh ;; OKAY I will need to like. make up a story for her.
unoiled snake
tho she's half your OC, really xD
unoiled snake
she'd be excellent for something episodic tho :|a
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
ooh she would
unoiled snake
like, just a new patron's story every chapter
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
yessss, she's be a paddington bear. where she's the static character of influence and others are the dynamic people she helps grow.
unoiled snake
haha yeah
unoiled snake
tho maybe sometimes, she'll also grow through them
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
oooh those would be the best times
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
as a special treat or something
unoiled snake
like I do want her to have her own story going on
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
it would be interesting when like some time later she references stuff from other people to show they did have an impact on her too
unoiled snake
ohhhh YES
unoiled snake
like "I once met this space pilot..." or whatever
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
yeah that sounds very interesting
unoiled snake oh yeah have you met Kira? she's my other OC Momo's friend (possibly with benefits)
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Oh yes I remember you mentioning her! Talk about her.
unoiled snake
I don't know much about her yet except she likes dressing somewhere between sweet loli and mori girl/cottagegirl and has a lot of knowledge in like... some kind of soft science xD;; like history, idk yet, I haven't gotten that far
unoiled snake
but maybe she's also someone who knows a little bit about everything and will pull out references for you at the drop of a hat
unoiled snake
because nerd
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
omg a walking encyclopedia of random knowledge
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
and often actually solid knowledge because of the deep dives she does
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
yes that sounds kind of cool
unoiled snake
she's the "up at 3 AM with snacks and 20 books" type
unoiled snake
btw if you have input... >> I'd love to hear it!
You know who's got awesome OCs? Kαтѕσηα 2024✰ is awesome AND has awesome OCs.
unoiled snake
if it's okay if I use it later on -- still tinkering with the idea of doing a webcomic or something one day
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
JKNCJKSNCJKDNC infy stop hiding when you could be talking about your own OCs. no deflecting :|
Any sort of flavor and genre you could ask for, sorry not sorry at all, gonna use your own plurk to fuss over you.
I barely do OCs at all, but you've got so many cool ones.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
unoiled snake : BUT ALSO YES SURE, I'm down for helping you workshop. What kind of person do you think she is besides Deep Diving Nerd? Is there some kind of general and Typical info she DOESN'T know much about just because it's so Commonplace she never actually considered thinking too deeply about it?
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
unoiled snake
well, Momo is the tech person, so I'm thinking Kira is not so much tech-y xD
I don't think I ever actually developed them. (LOL)
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
unoiled snake : "I am going to read ten books about the history of Pletorians, you can worry about how to get the generator going."
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
and like, her knowledge and research skills will help Momo too but also sometimes she just gets lost in the sauce and goes off on a random tangent for days
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
i like it. she probably comes across like a bit of a know-it-all at times but also is genuinely excited to learn new things. Maybe to the point of getting herself into dangerous situations for the sake of knowledge without thinking it through all the time.
unoiled snake
ohhhhh YES I like it
unoiled snake
must save this ancient book from a run-down building or something
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
yes like that
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Infychu : but she's so cool you could totally have a lot of fun with her
unoiled snake
Momo: honey I get you but also... no
unoiled snake
make no mistake, Momo is very scatterbrained and would also get themself into trouble for some more tech knowledge
unoiled snake
but I think they would both be more ready to recognize a bad idea when someone else is having it probably xD
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
they are a duo of chaos constantly giving into their own interests at inopportune times that make trouble but they get out of it together. always together.
unoiled snake
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
people wonder how they manage to stay alive this long
unoiled snake
lmfao yes
unoiled snake
now they only need distinct personalities beyond what their area of expertise is lmfao
Yeah, probably. I'd have to go digging.
unoiled snake
oh hey what if I made a journal for Star of Stars :|a
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Kira: Bookworm, nerd, bit of a know-it-all, talks using crazy out there references at times and has to be reminded Not Everyone Has Read That and to backtrack to use more common references.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Very adventurous, and not afraid to knock some heads in the name of knowledge.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Has no sense of self-preservation.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Momo: can get so focused on tech and hyperfocuses when building something new to the point she has to be reminded to eat, sleep, brush her hair, all of it. Smells like oil and ozone (from getting shocked so many times building shit).
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Often is the one who Does Not Get It and needs things explained to her, but she's not jealous or feels incompetent. She is confident in her own skills and what she's good at.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Is more physical/direct than Kira though maybe?
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Kira is the one going YOU CAN JUST GO OUT AND DO THAT and Momo is like WELL IT WORKED DIDN'T IT?
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
unoiled snake : that would be really interesting. set her up at a space denny's bar
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
also these sound gooooood yes
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Infychu : /hands you a shovel
unoiled snake
also I do know that Momo has anxiety issues and made themself a bracelet that can predict panic attacks
unoiled snake
maybe Kira can also have one if she needs it
unoiled snake
but then I need to flesh her out a bit more
unoiled snake
Star of Stars, that is
unoiled snake
I did determine that she was the first pop star who was born on a space colony
unoiled snake
hence the moniker
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
work for warning of panic attacks and always as a side effect also works to help let them know when each other is in trouble haha
unoiled snake
:-o ohhhh!
unoiled snake
see I did not think of that haha
unoiled snake
that's beautiful
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
"Is it a panic attack or is it did she put herself into mortal danger again?"
Maybe one of these days I'll dig Eva back out, too. She got a whole plotline as backstory, but that was all to pretend she wasn't just a mod NPC vehicle for Suffering.
unoiled snake
Momo like "here, this will tell you when I need to come bail you out"
Kira, smirking: "or I you"
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
yes perfect haha
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Infychu : oooh
unoiled snake
*tell me
I only had ONE person bother to check and be like "I'm PRETTY sure this book and author don't actually exist??"
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
omg yes i remember you telling me that haha
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
when you can steal your NPC and use them as an OC DO IT
unoiled snake
thanks btw, these talks are super helpful
unoiled snake
I'm currently working on the cover illustration for my planner... that I said I'd totally make until the end of last year... but am now making, well, now
unoiled snake
it has Momo and Kira on it
unoiled snake
but once I'm done with that I wanna do another Star of Stars illustration JUST FOR YOU <3
c_anon has great OCs too, the verse with the Hand folks are fun.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Hey I am happy to be a sounding board and throw ideas at people! I can't wait see how this goes for you.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
but more star of stars is always loved always
unoiled snake
:333 <3
unoiled snake
I definitely wanna try working more on original content in the future
unoiled snake
so this is great
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
/sends all the creative vibes
unoiled snake
2021 was the first year I wrote a substantial amount with an OC. I made the most self indulgent character I could think of based on my favorite way to write a/b/o aus of my canon characters and went for it and it worked 👏🏻
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
sometimes you just go for it with self-indulgent shit and awesome characters come out of it
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
this is also the year that I made an OC expy out of an AU of a character I made for a game because I ended up enjoying the idea of them. you gotta just indulge yourself and enjoy it
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
cringe is over
Why are we here if not to be self indulgent and weird
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
isn't that what RP and fandom is all about anyway
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
who gives a fuck about cringe as long as we're having fun in our space while being respectful to other people's spaces. do what you love.
unoiled snake
𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗 💮
I've mentioned her here before, but superorbital: has great OCs that range from cute magical girls to fun fantasy girls that each all sound so fleshed out and real and engaging that I can't help but love and respect her for it.
𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗 💮
It's great that get to work with her on a couple of collab OCs after we really went off to brainstorm a whole sci-fi setting around a cute ship and found family CR
𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗 💮
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
slevins: COLLABS ARE AWESOME. I'm glad you're having so much fun with it!
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Magical Girls and Fantasy Girls all rock so yes, great OCs are great.
i've got three ocs. one is a douche from the 90s that pissed off the wrong coven of witches and now he's an immortal familiar voodoo spell gone wrong. i have a homeless girl that's a little bit of a sociopath and she goes around killing people that harm animals (small scale) I've also got the human embodiment of karma
allow changes?
general shout out to ’s ocs for being so rich and varied...! one day I’ll pick an oc back up again
unoiled snake
... I wanna say again that I'm actually feeling so validated right now haha
unoiled snake
I don't trust my own ideas very much
unoiled snake
so thank you <3
go тo вread
I miss playing Casper. He’s my Scion tabletop character and he’s had a rough time. But he was in a game for years that helped him heal and I love himmmmm. ;;
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
believe in yourself and the things you enjoy <3
unoiled snake
THERE ARE SO MANY DANG GOOD OCS!!! like seafaring and crowbars and shadowheart. and sциsнїиє and give me a break have some really great ones i've been blessed to tag with
give me a break
unoiled snake
I also always love ruxi 's game NPCs
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Ruxi is AMAZING at character building so yes this is not a surprise at all.
too kind ;; !
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
they're always so well fleshed out, it's so fun to play with them
you too xaverie
mothy is a good boy
Cerise ♢
for potential rambling about stuff later, and love to you all who're coming up with these ideas.
unoiled snake
chai me, bro 🍵;
as someone who pretty much only ever plays OCs this Plurk just makes me so happy
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
A lot of work goes into making a fun OC that people enjoy playing and enjoy engaging with. Have some recognition and love for doing that <3
as someone newish to playing ocs more publicly on dw, this plurk also delights me
unoiled snake
it is truly a delightful plurk
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Playing OCs can be the most rewarding and stressful thing and the ride is wild. Like having people connect with a character you created is SO great. And it's always easier when you just focus on the fun and sharing that.
unoiled snake
oh wow... I guess it can be a very personal thing that way
mami on top 🔗
I am looking for... someone to play a character's brother and the preference would be actually have them both in , so if you're in to that kind of thing give me a poke. My brother is this one: Creeping Dust
KETER : you're so sweet thank you!!
i love playing ocs and really need to get them out more. i stick to memes and psls mostly but if anyone is interested my loudest ones are nam sun-mi; a famous children's writer who has recently become convinced she is a serial killer thanks to VERY vivid dreams. the killer is actually her husband pls help her.
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
maybe Star of Stars can sing the truth to her
emily chandler is inspired by the best friend trope in ya fiction. galatea jones is the galatea from greek mythology but cursed with immortality and cursed love. hannah lowery is inspired by the chosen one trope but she's in her 30s lol
i have a ton more because i can't help myself. they're up for all the things and i'm open to castmates, aus, canon characters, etc; :3
Obligatory ping for all of Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ amazing OCs!!
They bless us all.
#1 Haga Fan
Kenji Aikawa is my Pokemon OC who's just a huge himbo. No thoughts, head empty. But he's very loveable and sweet and while he isn't very bright he likes helping people a lot <3 He's also a huge klutz......
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
GHOSTFACE : Oh they all sound so cool. I love playing around with the Chosen One trope in different ways. I have an OC Parker Reyes who is a flip of this since her girlfriend was the Evil Chosen One who refused to like...follow through with being evil and diverted it by giving her power to Parker instead.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
All of these OCs people are sharing sound so cool
unoiled snake
ohhh I have an old OC who used to be a chosen one and uhhhh did a few war crimes at like, thirteen, and then fled her country because neither she nor anyone else could handle it
big woop
I need to work up my tiefling paladin Liesel as a stand-alone OC, I love her and the campaign she was from got canceled. Technically she's not part of an order but her dad brought her up with all of the tenants of the Watcher order that raised him as a foundling except for the part where they were not so hot on him marrying and producing additional tieflings
unoiled snake : she needs all the truth she can get!
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰ : ohhhh i love this! the chosen one is such a fun trope to mess around with!
big woop
she's a good girl and she takes the whole opposing extraplanar threats thing very seriously which makes things awkward when she has to explain to her traveling companions that no really, they cannot negotiate with that fiend. Yes she knows what that sounds like coming from her. Just please stop.
I have been playing Some the Grue for 16 years? Daily, for most of that time. He's a nervous little monster who doesn't want to be a monster.
oh, one more
Some started as a gag character back in IRC chat because the first thing someone said in a new IC channel we'd just made was 'It's pitch black, you may be eaten by a grue.'
anyway, anyone's always welcome to uhh create characters for the 'verse if u like them
So I made a grue. Just to mess with people for a few minutes.
Cerise ♢
I'm just gonna give shoutouts to Sage my pseudo-fae hacker, who I haven't managed to play to the extent he's managed to sit in my head for, and Aurelie the mage noblewoman from a world where using magic power really kind of sucks but she's too damn curious so yeah.
Cerise ♢
(I'm not good for words right now. XD)
Cerise ♢
Also Swan from basically my attempt at a Kingdom Hearts knockoff without the serial numbers of any canons(!) - grew up in a world she knew was doomed from her early childhood, but when she actually survived said doom, she kinda had to put on the protag hat.
Cerise ♢
Comes with shapeshifting voidcritter buddy who turns into her weapon.
Cerise ♢
And Kaylen the explorer from a recovering-postapoc world where the ancients basically worked out how to Hack Reality as if they were playing Baba Is You. (He was an early attempt at reclaiming a CRAU'd AU'd character who I couldn't take elsegame; never stuck but I still like his concept.)
Cerise ♢
Okay, it's midnight, I need to stop. But yeah, just hugging my various doofuses.
Cerise ♢
/sneaks out of plurk
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
GHOSTFACE : it is! i don't play with it enough in my OCs really since I tend to make my OCs be side characters to what would be the typical main story.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
fjczggxchzy CRIM PLS
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
I was asleep at this point but yes, I have a lot of ocs hahaha. I don't even know where to start with them
KETER : this is very sweet thank you
I've got a werecat/dhampir OC who's a total player but mostly runs around as a tiny cat to solicit pets and free food. In exchange they hunt any vermin in the house they temporarily hang around and put dark magic traps to protect the person giving them affection/food/anything nice.
They also refuse to eat any birds because they find birds to be completely adorable. ALL birds.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
were-OCs yes please! they can be so much fun
If you ever see the username "catarmy" that's them! <3 Their name is Raine. I usually just toss them on shipping/smut memes 'cause that's my preferred space.
can confirm, raine is a good bean
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Oh cool! I think the only actual were-OC I have with a journal is Tolemi (getjackedup) who is a were-hare/jackelope.
ovo <3
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
I do also have a shapeshifter OC who is hiding out as a werewolf with his were-partner but I haven't put all his info on his journal.
Here's art I did of them in full kitty form (their default) chilling with Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3 and a wip of them being shoulder-cat with Anders from Dragon Age 2.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
awwww cute
and my plurk icon is their general human appearance, though it's much older and I never finished it.
all of my ocs are bad. as in like, just awful people. i made a summary page for them all and they're the worst not a single one of them is a good kid
the LEAST bad one is brainwashed human weapon grey and grey is not bad bc grey is incapable of being bad due to the brainwashing.
but they will do a murder without blinking if they're told, so. they're still..... Not Good.
medium bird
crowders: has incredible OCs especially angelo!!!