Advice/song request plurk! Possibly passive-aggressive towards my brother.
As you know, my brother is getting married on the second weekend of August, which means I'm going to have to skip Animethon unless they change from the usual date. He is also soliciting song requests for the dance. What should I request?
-Something very gay or very nerd recommended, this is me we're talking about and I have no interest in being normal for this thing.
-Not overly hostile. Even if he is kind of a jerk.
-"I Like Bananas Because They Have No Bones" has already been vetoed.
Overall message intended is "not trying to ruin this wedding, and in fact I want them to have a very nice time, but still kind of bitter, and not just because of the con."
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
glass no hanazono imo
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
if you're open to weeb shit
superorbital: that is a fantastic choice, the original will probably get a veto but if there's a good english cover maybe i can put that on the list
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
there's GOTTA be at least one for how big it was