8: Would they date someone who's well known for cheating? I'd probably say no, but I don't know if he'd really care enough. He might go along with it if he's getting something out of it tbh.
10: Do they like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Kind of piggy backing off of 8, but I will say this. Once he actually opens up to
someone who managed to get close enough to him and he actually cares? I think he'd be ridiculously loyal to them if not a bit possessive at times because of how he is. So it really depends on how close they are. He probably wouldn't do flings without a good reason to do so.
11: When they are dating someone, do they believe on going on "breaks"? If there's a good reason to do so, maybe? But at that point if you have to go on a break, he wouldn't feel a need to do it. Just break up if it isn't working.
27: Do they want to get married one day? Given the push to? Absolutely. He'd be a good husband who treats his spouse like a damn God. He's sappy enough that this wouldn't even really be a question if the timing is right.
31: Do they enjoy love stories? I can definitely see him liking them. He probably reasons them on occasion when he
37: What is their favorite and/or applicable live song? Idk why but "I swear" came to mind instantly and I can neither say for sure yes or no if it fits rofl.
Thinking of the married question and reminded of the fact that Liz and I have joked about GoroAnn in memes like this for long enough that we just automatically assume they're married now rofl
also i just want u to know i just thought of them being in vegas and people assuming they're their to get married and offering to buy them shots and shit and he's like 'oh, no, we're--' and she just covers his mouth and yes 'YEP WE ARE, WOOOOO SHOTS'
8: Would they date someone who's well known for cheating?
I'd probably say no, but I don't know if he'd really care enough. He might go along with it if he's getting something out of it tbh.
10: Do they like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Kind of piggy backing off of 8, but I will say this. Once he actually opens up to
If there's a good reason to do so, maybe? But at that point if you have to go on a break, he wouldn't feel a need to do it. Just break up if it isn't working.
27: Do they want to get married one day?
Given the push to? Absolutely. He'd be a good husband who treats his spouse like a damn God. He's sappy enough that this wouldn't even really be a question if the timing is right.
31: Do they enjoy love stories?
I can definitely see him liking them. He probably reasons them on occasion when he
37: What is their favorite and/or applicable live song?
Idk why but "I swear" came to mind instantly and I can neither say for sure yes or no if it fits rofl.
"just one more drink"
"yeah yeah we can drink there" /dragging her with