Between vaccination, the everpresent mood swing fuckery and constantly trying to figure out just what the fuck my brain actually wants a given day of the week I have had literally no desire to bother with social media that isn't a direct messenger like Discord. What the balls is talking anymore? I couldn't tell you.
How I've managed to stay connected with whoever's still connected to me on Plork is a miracle tossed at me by the grace of a brick through the window, I swear...
...I swear I was going somewhere with that last one, but I fumbled it like Sportsball manages to fumble the post-VARUS handling in worst case scenarios.
On the one hand, this is probably a long standing sign that I should just throw my Discord at people and sunset this thing, since I barely ever check it anymore. I've always been an IM kid, so that doesn't do me many favors.
On the other, I know not everyone really uses it and probably sticks to this since it's easier to get messages out anyway, especially if Discord itself is an unreliable horse basket...
yeah, I do! Just... figuring out what to talk about is kind of weird when you've had a bit of an interest disconnect for a while now. Other than Purses and SMT going absolutely bonkers this year, because holy CRAP, V looks so good
we live in a world where we can say this sort of crap with a straight face and it'd have actually happened somehow I'd be crylaughing if it wasn't so absolutely ridiculous I have to rub my eyes in disbelief and pinch myself first
man, he's been a game breaker since P4 decided to rear its head, huh?
nearly as much as being called a demon-human by the angry disco ball
I'd be crylaughing if it wasn't so absolutely ridiculous I have to rub my eyes in disbelief and pinch myself first