I’m over this phase
Carolyn 🐱📚
Maybe if you were less tasty
Do you bite him back? I bit my cats on the ear (not very hard) and that is usually what stopped it for me.
I yell “ouch” and put him back in his kitten apartment- it takes longer for single kittens to learn since he doesn’t have anyone biting or scratching him to learn it hurts
Bite his ears. It's very effective, you can just use your lips even. I know it is weird, but I noticed that is how the dominant female cat 'trained' the other 10 cats in the household. If they were fussing and she was grooming or cuddling? Nip that ear. Every time. LOL They always looked offended and she was like "damn right" and it seemed to work.
I began doing it to the cats after she passed along when they'd misbehave (none of them groomed themselves thanks to her) or fuss while brushing etc, and they get in ship shape fast.