Thu, Dec 16, 2021 1:44 AM
Xbox 「Games with GOLD」12月後半開始
・Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition (美國)
Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition | Xbox
・Steredenn: Binary Stars(韓國)
Steredenn: Binary Stars | Xbox
・Children of Zodiarcs(日本)
Children of Zodiarcs | Xbox
・The King's Bird
The King's Bird | Xbox
・Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (Xbox 向下相容)
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet | Xbox
・Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition (美國)
Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition | Xbox
・Steredenn: Binary Stars(韓國)
Steredenn: Binary Stars | Xbox
・Children of Zodiarcs(日本)
Children of Zodiarcs | Xbox
・The King's Bird
The King's Bird | Xbox
・Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (Xbox 向下相容) Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet | Xbox