Zigzag Stampede
[RP] I was bad and played Red Dead Redemption 2 all night instead of tagging. (blush) Although if I owe you a tag that is more than 24 hours old, please let me know.
Zigzag Stampede
As I should have them all except for what came in between falling asleep last night and now. I even went through my DW inbox so I don't THINK I have any dropped threads but you never know!
Zigzag Stampede
I thought: I'll just collect a couple more flowers and murder all of the heron in the swamp lands. Shouldn't take too long. I'll just do that and then tag the rest of the night.
Zigzag Stampede
Only that turned into: ooh, I'll take this skin, and ooh, I'll get distracted by this random encounter, then OOH! Is that bull finally 3 stars instead of 2! Gotta murder me that
Zigzag Stampede
Then next thing I knew it was 3 hours later and I am going to be so tired tomorrow.
Zigzag Stampede
Although my favorite was when I apparently upset someone while my horse was on auto pilot and I didn't notice. So when I dismounted in St Denis and took it off of cinematic mode everyone was itching for a fight. And I was just like; WHAT DID I DO!???! I just want to hand in this croc skin!
Zigzag Stampede
So of course... I had to murder everyone WITH MY FISTS
Zigzag Stampede
Attempted to surrender to the lawmen because eh... it was a $5 bounty BUT THEY WOULD NOT ALLOW ME
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
Um, excuse you game. That's MY thing to do to the NPCs.... rude....
RUDE, Grand Theft Horsey.
Also, think it's your turn on our PSL, but know we're both glacial there right now so no rush!
just spite
you too huh
You went over 5mph with your horsey and now Saint Denis is going to punish you.
just spite
it's part of the immersion bc arthur hates crowded cities and now you will too
Arthur is right and he should say it louder and more frequently.
Zigzag Stampede
The moment I found a random encounter of some guy going: come over here! I have some juicy information for you! Just follow me down this back alleyway! And I went: well, this is super suspicious... But that's okay! I'm Arthur m-fucking Morgan. I'll just beat them up when this CLEARLY goes wrong.
Zigzag Stampede
And then I didn't get the chance for REVANAAAANGE I was very much: oooh... FUCK THIS CITY
My least favorite part of that city are the assholes that pickpocket you and you have to chase them down through the streets. it's like. Please don't do this to Arthur, he's sick. :c
Zigzag Stampede
While I've already been spoiled on that part so you're good I will say this is actually my first play though and I'm not through chapter 4 yet.
I'm not gonna tell you another word.
Zigzag Stampede
So I technically don't know about that yet.
Zigzag Stampede
I've also been spoiled about what happens at the end of chapter 4 so I'm dragging my feet like hell through it
YEAH UHHHH one of those things in chapter 4... hurts. A lot.
Zigzag Stampede
Because excited boy at the office when I said: I'm finally playing RD2 for the very first time! Then tried to tell me the whole plot so I know pretty much everything, buuuut still
actually I'd say a number of things in chapter 4 hurt.
how dare they spoil you!?
Zigzag Stampede
So much of Chapter 4 hurts. I was wondering where a certain someone was around camp. It's okay. I found him when he came by on horse back later.
:c :c :c :c he didn't deserve that.
Zigzag Stampede
This is what happens when you fuck with the Capulets and Montagues.
Zigzag Stampede
𝓟𝓢𝓛☕📔𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 : i shall go back looking through my inbox. That one might have gotten misplaced and I forgot to double check my PSLs!
You have to go hole up in the swamp and the o'driscolls gotta be pricks about it.
Zigzag Stampede
I have gotten so much more murder inclined when I find random groups of gangs now. Use to let them live but NO MORE
I have a personal grudgeboner over the Raiders. They shot my horse dead ONE TIME and that was it. Through every playthrough, I hear one of those pricks and they're getting exterminated.
Zigzag Stampede
The gotta die. Clearly
the ones I will not, under any circumstances, fuck with are the Night Folk
I literally refuse to fuck around the swamps at night.
Zigzag Stampede
<.< naw, I'm fucking with them. Stalked a couple for like... nearly 10 minutes once just to see what they'd do
You're a braver soul than I.
I still get a panic rush from hearing wolves, though, so I'm just a big chicken.
Zigzag Stampede
That's cougars for me. As long as I'm on my horse I'm pretty quick to get out my posion arrows to take out the wolves.
That damn cougar up above brandywine falls >:C >:C >:C
Zigzag Stampede
Cougars too really but sometimes they're on before I even notice. Where I might survive a couple bites from a Wolf. Cougars it's like one hit and done
there's two on the main map which I get ready before I even get into the zone they spawn. You get me anywhere near that area and I've got my rifle out. Fuck those cats in particular.
There's another one in the epilogue and I'm like FUCKSAKES WHY.
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, I know one spot as I farmed it when I had to kill so many cougars for a challenge
Zigzag Stampede
Near a trapper towards the left side of the map.
Zigzag Stampede
Not too far from Strawberry
yup, good hunting for all SORTS of stuff up there, but it's just down the hill from the trapper. little shit ambushed me a few times.
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, there was one day I was playing and I killed it as it jumped me on the road. So I headed up to the trapper, wasn't paying attention, nearly ran into a rock that turned out to be a grizzly bear, manged to survive a mulling, took both pelts to the trapper
Zigzag Stampede
Walked away from the trapper, got chased by wolves. While fighting off the wolves some guys on the road thought I was attacking them and they started firing at me.
Zigzag Stampede
AFTER ALL THAT... I was skinning the wolves when someone came up and went OMG MURDER and they finally killed me
God, some of the best shit about this game happens during free roam, completely by incidentals.
Still love the time I found the... and they call it a burial site but it's clearly a ritual sacrifice site? In the woods northwest of Beaver Hollow. I was hunting in that area, and a particularly agro black bear started charging me.
Zigzag Stampede
I found a Viking helmet basically falling into a holr
And I was like tf is this black bear doing, does it think it's a grizzly? and while I heft onto the horse and dash the fuck away, I'm trying to get towards the road. Instead of road, I nearly fell into a goddamn pit.

Got the bear, though. 2 star pelt, womp womp. And I got a viking helmet and an axe
HAHAHAHAAAAA everyone falls in.
Zigzag Stampede
It's why I'm taking so long to complete the story. Having too much fun wandering around
dude, there's no reason not to, and every reason TO fuck around on the map.
what's your favorite random thing you've found thus far?
Zigzag Stampede
Hmmm, first thing to pop into my head is the boat in a tree for some reason
Zigzag Stampede
Although the bear that was HI THIS IS MY HOUSE is also very memorable
Vetter's Echo is one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had in the game. I should have realized something was off when I rolled up on the place and my horse IMMEDIATELY zipped off.
I'm like "the fuck you doing. whatever. doot dootda going up the stairs doo daAAUUUUGH THAT'S A BEAR"
and you don't even get that good a pelt from it. 0/10, would not recommend.
Zigzag Stampede
I was amused
Zigzag Stampede
Probably shouldn't have been but I was
Zigzag Stampede
The trail of death that I described earlier was also very memorable
just spite
Jump Scare Bear!
Zigzag Stampede
There was also a day recently I was collecting flowers in the swamp and my horse took off and went AHHH! CROC! I KNOW INTO THE WATER!


just spite
just spite
Zigzag Stampede
So I watched my poor horse get stuck in an endless panic loop
just spite
mind you i have a crippling fear of crocodilians so
Zigzag Stampede
I ended up pitching a camp JUST to get it to stop
just spite
i feel you horsie
Zigzag Stampede
The crocs gave 0 shits
just spite
fucking gators
just spite
just lying in wait like the murder logs they are
just spite
gurgling like satan's bathtub draining
Zigzag Stampede
There was also one time for the bandit challenge I was robbing a train, wasn't paying attention, jumped off, turned around and said hi to the inside of a croc
just spite
just spite
i think it would be worse if they were crocs tbh
just spite
as it is there's only one gator that will actively chase you
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, the couple times I've died to gators was 100% my fault for being a dork and not paying attention
just spite
or it being dark
just spite
and being busy running from nite folk or something
Zigzag Stampede
Or me going: how close can I get until it bites me 8D
Zigzag Stampede
But yeah, I know I can fast travel but I rarely do.
Zigzag Stampede
A lot of times I just put my horse on auto pilot and do a tag just to see if something happens
just spite
Zigzag Stampede
My goal is also to steal at least one hat before I quit each time
Zigzag Stampede
I'm also known for stealing horses just so I can carry more pelts
just spite
oh yeah, i've def done that