confession i shipped phoenix with that bartender (rouge?) a little and a half-joking half-serious phoenix/layton alksdjgdsf but wow those girls were very good
: mukumaya... 1. i'm a sucker for the dynamic, bc like. My fave Maya ships are her with someone who comes from a shitty background & feels they don't deserve her but bc of her life & outlook are like fuck, i hvae to protect you and also live for myself a little bit bc all this stupid shit happened to you & you haven't given up
so Muku just fits that, and there's a lot of h/c that comes in too and a lot of like. Maya isn't dissimilar from Junko, it's just that the things that happened to her led her down a much different path
so Maya's disposition just works well with Mukuro, but rather than use that to their detriment, maya uses the maniipulative aspects of her personality to direct people toward doing better shit for themselves and/or assisting her
and bc she doesn't have a lot of consistency in her life... and a lott of the storylines involve Mukuro being like "Ok yes i get it you and everyone else want me to live for myself. But have you considered: you do the exact same fucking thing as me and i'm not stupid nor am i afraid of you enough not to call it out."
ok so originally it was supposed to just be Souda growing through his conflicts bc he's like CLEARLY I STILL LOVE SONIA... BUT SONIA IS IN LOVE WITH MAKOTO... AND I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO HATE MAKOTO??
and so now the ship has become one where it's like. Souda now has a friend that he trusted as much as Hajime, but she's a girl, and so he has to constantly challenge his perception of what he thinks about girls
so there's a lot more of him handling other girls by remembering the things Makoto has said to him-- which I think he shows a lot in the game, he's constantly thinking about what others are saying for better or for worse
But I think in a way he still can't help but idolize her, not because he sees her in a similar position to Sonia but because he sees her in a similar position to Nanami
in that she gave him time and patience and care and love without him having to beg or work for it, and before he even arrived had Mercy for the Despairs at all
So really she (and before she left, Sonia) has done a fuck ton for Souda's personal growth, and he's able to be the person he is in Ryslig as a result of Makoto's immediate acceptance because she saw him as someone important to Sonia
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
: ok SPIKE FAYE AND JET 1. I shipped it in the anime literally because I like trios and bounty hunter teams and WANTED it to be there. I shipped it in the TV series because th actual chemistry between the actors and characters is sublimed. The choreography leaves them with interesting constructive fights with each other and they just
2. my favorite things about the ship are the naturalness they speak with each other with. They aren't always the kindest to each other with their words but there's a certain intimacy achieved when you can be an asshole with your friends and know that you're still dearly important to each other, and i think that kind of chemistry shows there
3. as for unpopular opinions... from what i've seen there's not as much OT3 stuff as there is a divide in the people who ship Spike/Faye and Spike/Jet and i'm like
well in the anime the person shown to have more real concern for Faye is Jet, so like
UHHH...... EVE/ESPELLA/BARNHAM 1. i ship eve with both of them cos it's just kind of corny cute and ~happy ending~ shit ngl LMAO. and after all they've been through, doesn't eve deserve to have both hands held??? 2. my favorite part of them as a ship is imagining what they'd BE like in an open triad in the middle of future labyrinthia, like, what the heck
souda and makoto
1. i'm a sucker for the dynamic, bc like. My fave Maya ships are her with someone who comes from a shitty background & feels they don't deserve her but bc of her life & outlook are like fuck, i hvae to protect you and also live for myself a little bit bc all this stupid shit happened to you & you haven't given up
1. I shipped it in the anime literally because I like trios and bounty hunter teams and WANTED it to be there. I shipped it in the TV series because th actual chemistry between the actors and characters is sublimed. The choreography leaves them with interesting constructive fights with each other and they just
well in the anime the person shown to have more real concern for Faye is Jet, so like
1. i ship eve with both of them cos it's just kind of corny cute and ~happy ending~ shit ngl LMAO. and after all they've been through, doesn't eve deserve to have both hands held???
2. my favorite part of them as a ship is imagining what they'd BE like in an open triad in the middle of future labyrinthia, like, what the heck