[languages] Picking up German via Duolingo, and going to try and get back into ASL
horny on main.
I wanna learn ASL so much
It's a really wonderful language! If you want I can give you some good book/dictionary recs?
Have you had German lessons before?
andie 🌨
You know I've come with those ASL recommendations. First is always going to be Lifeprint on YouTube and the subsequent dictionary and website.
andie 🌨
If your local library participates, ASL is also a language available on Pronunciator.
andie 🌨
For some general practice that can just show up in your Instagram feed, follow signedwithheart or deafining_asl or aslconnect or theaslshop
andie 🌨
Then go get a DPAN TV account to watch some brief TV shows, daily news clips, and other things in ASL for practice!
andie 🌨
If it's still active, the NTID ASL Video Dictionary is hugely helpful too. It won't give lessons, per se, but every word has an accompanying sentence and also lists words that are easily confused because they look similar. It's also got some great articles on grammar.
You are the best, Andie!!!
andie 🌨
I am at work and cannot find the gif of Russell signing ILY too so please imagine it inserted here.
Likewise imagine the Nyle come get hugs gif