A Grinning DM
So just a warning, but the next letter after Omicron in the Greek alphabet is Pi.

A Grinning DM
I feel like I'm a bad person to even snicker at the names of the variants of a deadly disease, but all I've thought of since Omicron was discovered is Futurama, but now I'm wondering if they'll really name the next variant the "pi variant"


I feel that in my bones. and in my lymph nodes

my uncle just got admitted to the ICU with covid even after 2 shots. After he informed me of this, I politely reminded my dad to get his goddamn booster shot

A Grinning DM
Yeah I got my booster months ago

A Grinning DM
I take this very seriously, I'm just mentally preparing for a bunch of memes of corona pies

yeah, the 6-10 months that's a thing isn't gonna be fun.