I'm gonna be dropping a buncha threads, if we have a thread that's waiting on me & you wanna continue it instead, tell me please!

current plans are to keep the Annie-FogTalk log going, and to wrap up the Yugi-Meeting thread; and otherwise focus on new stuff
dat's cool. i think they're in wrap-up territory anyway
(again, if we have a thread that isn't one of the two named and you really want me to tag back, lmk!)
I'm pretty sure we're waiting on me but do you want to handwave the rest of Peace's classroom thread and tiny Altair?
If we can I would like to keep the musical thread one. Sorry I've been slow with it. Music threads are fun but hard.
Nicholaj oh, ye those are waiting on you... unless you have more ideas of where to go with tiny Altair, that one can be handwaved; I'd be interested in continuing the classromm & musical threads too!
I feel ya on the musical difficulty level |D
I have an fun idea for the tiny Altair one to go but I haven't had the time to get back to any of my kid tags lately. If you don't mind waiting we can keep it but if it is easier we can handwave the rest of it. I will try to get to the classroom one soon. Sorry it keeps getting buried under new tags.
I don't mind it being slower! if you've got an idea for the kid thread that's fine too then :3
it's just that I didn't know where else to go, so XD
well Altair's nameless goddess comes from a world between worlds so Altair will be convinced the Ring Spirit is another god and it is a good chance for RS to get information on Altair's goddess. Tiny Altair only knows what is common knowledge at this point but it could give the Ring Spirit a brief glimpse into Altair's world.
he also doesn't hate gods at this point so it could be a fun shift in perspective for RS
ooo neat :0
daw, tiny doesn't hate gods yet |D
i have plans but no brainpower orz
I know this feel
yeah little Altair doesn't like how magic ruins things for people that don't have it so he doesn't like the goddess since she only chooses nobles but he doesn't hate her like he does later.
I also find it funny how tiny Altair falls for the same cruel rumors about the shadow mage that Altair hates so much. It has been fun revisiting Altair's childhood a bit. So much has changed
Set, a facedown
idr what all threads we have, but if you want to talk over anything lmk! I'm ok with it if you gotta drop stuff of course!
yes same
if there's something where you wanna decide how it ended i'm up for it