Dr. BeardoPuff
https://images.plurk.com/4hANDvyFGAHcgrO8VTIhd.jpg Apfle Kuchen.
Bret 🍊
Dr. BeardoPuff
Let's apple coffee cake
Bret 🍊
i want to apple coffee cake
Dr. BeardoPuff
It's very easy just make paste and top with apple, crumbs
Dr. BeardoPuff
Bret 🍊
i initially misread that as make pasta and had some concern
Dr. BeardoPuff
Make pasta and top with apple, crumbs.
Bret 🍊
ah yes I see
Bret 🍊
but mmm
Dr. BeardoPuff
Make spaetzle, top with apple, crumbs.
Dr. BeardoPuff
https://images.plurk.com/4E6jsHU7x1fhoEskjoiCoM.jpg "Ich bin ein apfelKuchen."