[work] Hey Boss. You realize I'm leaving in a week, right?
Why are you assigning me address updates?
I have like
100 different things to do so I don't leave my coworkers in a lurch when I go
Everyone lives at Frankfurter8U812
stop assigning me difficult agreements that take five days and let me write documentation to provide for them you ass
it's punishment for leaving. and ensuring that your former coworkers resent you
Yeah I'm just going to ignore that and do something else that actually helps people
so pissed
ruthgaroux ♡
two roads in a wood diverged, one is "give allison lighter work so she has time to wrap up loose ends before leaving", the other is "give allison lots of work in her remaining time as some kind of punishment"
revenge guac
i mean what's your boss gonna do, fire you? better to do what's right by your coworkers tbh
Man I'm in my last 1:1 and I'm just. I must sound so mad because Sara is using her "toddler" voice with me
"Do I need to be doing this address change work because I feel 'm getting buried in things to do and it's my last week" "Yes those need to happen" "Okay but so does documentation and answering my coworkers' questions" "well okay make it low priority"
okay but you didn't fucking. say that
spooky queer
maybe they should be assigned to one of your coworkers
spooky queer
who is going to do all your work when you leave
She assigned it to all six of us. 15 addresses each
I'm so angry
spooky queer
no mortal blade
What a piece of shit boss
no mortal blade
Just give everyone else three more, done
I told her that no one had reached out to me from facilities or HR and that I hoped they know I was leaving
"Oh yeah [my HR person] is meeting with Ray and I on Friday to go over stuff"
well that's great that she told you but she didn't reach out to me
Also fuck you Ray for not reaching out to me yourself, you were there when I was hired??
and you're my boss too
God I'm actually really angry today
I feel very. siloed. and this has been happening for a while but I don't want to go through Sara to talk to my HR person or my other boss or anyone. I'm a person. Not a fucking extension of my boss.
no mortal blade
What the fuck
no mortal blade
HR should be talking to you directly
no mortal blade
When is your last day?
The 8th.
no mortal blade
Lmfao I’d start letting teammates know you’re leaving now if you haven’t already
no mortal blade
If they’re waiting till Friday to even start dealing with shit, fuck them
Yep already did. So she could delegate some of my work but she barely knows what I do so I’m just. So angry
This was all so mishandled
Lady Stardust
I'm so happy you're getting away from these clowns
spooky queer
reminds me of a job i was laid off from once where they asked what i did after they laid me off
spooky queer
only 5000 really important things 😩
spooky queer
reminds me of a job i was laid off from once where they asked what i did after they laid me off
does not deserve you. this is why you are leaving.
spooky queer
it was the gratitude rock
spooky queer
threw them for a loop
i am going to bet they do not remember the rock
the axe forgets the tree remembers
that is a very deep saying
spooky queer
i got it from my tumblr dash in between a post about surgically implanted heelies and an abstract Among Us meme probably

but i think about it a lot. "you did x" "no i didnt i dont remember that" oh cool ill just go fuck myself then eh?