a girl in love
I have lost track of what I'm doing
a girl in love
this is a plurk for me to figure out where I am day 10/11 at some point when my brain decides to work long enough to do that
a girl in love
in spite of the fact that Idk what's happening day 11 at all I also feel like it should already be day 12
clash of clowns
a girl in love
I want new threads with Break and Sharon. I need to remember which direction is up first though
clash of clowns
try north
a girl in love
which way is that
clash of clowns
sleeping lion
a girl in love
sounds fake
clash of clowns
it is
clash of clowns
day 9/10/11 is a total blur to me. what happened.
a girl in love
day 9 was just pocky. all it was was pocky
clash of clowns
that's valid.
a girl in love
also I want Echidna tokens so I can have wolfnose
clash of clowns
do a job with me
a girl in love
a girl in love
I feel like he's probably ask Akira or the other orca... but Idk where to be to nab one of them...
clash of clowns
you can use their inboxes
yeah just toplevel and ping them or inbox tag and ping them
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
ring bell gacha until you get one