dragon time
okay okay i took two weeks off back on the logh

dragon time
halfway through 36

dragon time
we get 2/3 of the way through the bedchel test,

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hilda: annerose if you die the boys will be sad

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annerose: ive been sad for the last range of people, binch

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last ten years

dragon time

dragon time
hilda: for the love of god i don't want to see reinhard 3.0 he would kill SO many people

dragon time
oh right the kidnapping

dragon time
i absolutely cannot play slay the spire and watch this at the same time

dragon time
wish i was still knitting

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oh shit, hes going for it, hes going for the corridor

dragon time
annerose has been quilting her ass off hot damn

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37: the gang kidnaps a child

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oh i see the popular sport of royal children is beating servants with a stick

dragon time
this fucking idiot believes hes doing the right thing SO much

dragon time
ohhhh its oberstein again

dragon time

dragon time
oberstein: no. more. more murder. down with the aristocracy

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dragon time
reinhard feels REAL bad about the wild goose chase hes sending off his buddy on- but not bad enough to-

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dragon time
this fucking,

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the breakin crew:

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guy in a catsuit with night vision goggles, + some bitch in a cravat

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what a little brat,

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but also god damn

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god him under the arm like a sack a potato

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oh, heat scan

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ohhhh keseler knows

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oh i think i may have heard a LITTLE bit about how the molt thing goes,

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i cant recall what but also

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dragon time

dragon time
hilda: i'm not mad i'm just disappointed

dragon time
yeah this is just a casual suicide

dragon time
hes not even OUTWARDLY BOTHERED???

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hilda pops her face back on

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the entire crew: i hate this shitty child

dragon time
oh nice its our boy yang

dragon time
oh too real

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the lads razzing each other about fuckin' and being over 30

dragon time
TRUNICHT you're really loving this shit

dragon time
hes not entiiiiirely wrong

dragon time
hes at least 90% bullshit

dragon time
but rein does want to conquer space

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poplin yelling over the broadcast on the grounds that it is bullshit

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those are his ancestors crimes, not the childs, the child has his own crime

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yang: ah shit reinhard planned this whole thing didn't he

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yangs friends stealing all his alcohol

dragon time
excuse me,

dragon time
the cult in the cave

dragon time
oh boy new war .-.

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julian: oh no being a soldier might suck actually :/

dragon time
concerned about julian,

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hes giving me kircheis viiibes

dragon time
ohhhh ep 40, this is the Rough One i hear

dragon time
oh boyyyyy genocide time...?

dragon time
a mere 4 billion,

dragon time
i wonder if theres a political agenda to this documentary, this narrator does seem to be probably on the level and

dragon time
oh, hard population numbers, 25 13 and 2 million

dragon time
this might be an old documentary

dragon time
you've got a war, you've got population growth...

dragon time
back to the present, and the needs of men remain the same

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and possibly women but like,

dragon time
there are about six, seven women in this very large cast who have roles other than being

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a) face in the crowd

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important because she's someone's noble daughter

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c) a wife of a more important character

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ok no theres also some nannies

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there was that lady annerose was talking to in episode one who hasn't come back

dragon time
incidentally the women i am thinking of are

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greenhill, annerose, hilda, julia, the one warmonger in the FPA, that farm girl on the planet that got hit with the napoleon in russia plan, and the countess who tried to poison annerose early on

dragon time
oh, and some other women in the medical/tech support in the fpa, i think one of them had a line

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anyway, deeds of men

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incidentally i only remember yang wenli's full name because they use it so frequently

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everyone else it's either first or last

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i mean ovb i remember siegfried kirchies but i do freqently forget how to spell it

dragon time
julian mintz, frederica greenhill.... ok i remember yangs friends mostly

dragon time
god the fpa sucks so bad

dragon time
maybe reinhard is justified in conquering it but also,

dragon time
what if kaiser siegfried lohenngramm the first sucks

dragon time
also reinhard sucks a liiiittle bit but like, nobody else would suck less

dragon time
having a government that doesnt suck is really hard

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especially when you're trying to build it out of one that does

dragon time
i have no idea how this series is going to end??

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i have lost track of where the stream is but its past this so im gonna keep going

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bittenfield like "this guy sucks tho"

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picking back up

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the empire doesnt respect anyone in the alliance except yang,

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"what if he picks up on what we're doing"

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"i mean hes gonna but he cant be in two places at once,"

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"we can just attack the point where he isnt"

dragon time

dragon time
im not entirely sure hes considering making yang the viceroy,

dragon time
but im not sure he isnt??

dragon time
"im sure reinhard would never bring back the secret police"

dragon time
smash cut to oberstein!!!

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smash cut to oberstein DISCUSSING THE SECRET POLICE,

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shockingly hes denouncing the concept

dragon time
but also, like

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its not entirely off the table

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lang is persuasive

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"we cant bring back the secret police"

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"how about the bureau of safety"

dragon time

dragon time

dragon time
concerned about the soft lighting in this flashback,

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concerned about julians future

dragon time
flash back episode focused on (lovingly) insulting yang,

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oh shit, julian and warrant officer in street clothes!!!

dragon time

dragon time
julian: CAT

dragon time
julian: pspspsps anyway about those economics

dragon time
oh boy its the nasrty boy

dragon time
muller gets a post, good for him

dragon time
ohhhh shit, REIN IS JOINING UP

dragon time
and hilda gets a command rank, good for her

dragon time
the alliance: why would fezzan help the empire, that would be stupid

dragon time
the alliance: has none nothing but stupid shit

dragon time
but also they ARE trying to attack iserlon-

dragon time
oh my god they didnt give yang the budget for satellites....

dragon time
god like,

dragon time
theres sixty episodes after this!!!

dragon time
whats this gonna do to the status quo??

dragon time

dragon time
oh shit, shonkopf v ruenthal

dragon time
fuckin legends

dragon time
two guyd haaving a knife fight on a space ship

dragon time

dragon time
i was worried schonlfg would die because his replacement knife broke

dragon time
poplin: gee i wish julian were here

dragon time

dragon time

dragon time
the cat blew him of

dragon time

dragon time
one more