Here’s Erin and I in hospital at 11pm yesterday. Aiden was in there last Monday. My house is a plague house. Also I had the most socially awkward interaction.
So there’s this woman who lives near me and we interact now and then in local community Facebook groups and occasionally message support when we see each other’s comments
She messaged me a few weeks ago and said “we met at school today! You spoke to me and my friend while you were chasing your daughter!” And like. Erin was being a menace, I apologised to a ton of people for her rampaging, I didn’t look at any of them.
So last night I’m sitting in a&e with sleeping 40 degree Erin occasionally diarrhoeaing in my lap, mid text argument with Steve, hanging out my arse because I’ve had like 10 hours sleep in the last 4 nights
And I’m randomly smiling at people because the only seat free when we got there was under the tv and facing the whole room, and I have resting bitch face and I have to overcompensate
And this random woman with a kid I don’t recognise either comes in, sits sort of opposite me, and I smiled at her as we made eye contact because it’s my default socially awkward reaction.
And she came over and had this fucking full blown too long conversation with me about 999 wait times and all the bugs going around and how funny it was to see each other here. I didn’t know what to SAY, I assumed she thought I was someone else so I was vague and just interactive enough to not be rude but I didn’t ask her shit.
Today she messaged me and obviously IT WAS HER and now I’m like mortified that I was so blasé with her and really, actually considering I do know her, probably quite rude 😁😬😬😬😁
Here’s Erin and I in hospital at 11pm yesterday. Aiden was in there last Monday. My house is a plague house. Also I had the most socially awkward interaction.